What little I played of Rayxanber II when I owned it, it did seem to have a high difficulty curve, but also I think it could have been overcome with repeated play/memorization, and I don't always expect to beat every game I play, enjoy or like for that matter anyway. There are plenty of hard as hell classics out there that you know you probably wont beat except on the off chance, but you play them regardless due to the challenge, making you want to push harder on your next attempt, and the fun they bring to the table by proxy of that and also because they are just solid games. Some people feel a classic shooter, action, fighter, etc game is only good if they can beat it after putting in just average effort, and drop playing titles they cant snuff in one or two evenings (usually the same types who cant beat something like Vigilante after a few tries, or who bust AES sticks in anger over sessions of Samurai Spirits 2).
Regardless of it all, the problem for me with Rayxanber II was that there were so many other shooters on PCE card and cd wise that really were just better in general, that when I went to reach for a game to play, I just skipped over it most of the time, regardless of its difficulty. I mean, I never beat L-Dis, but I played the hell out of that one off and on for years because it was so well made over all. Given the chance, if I had the time and all and nothing else to do and a copy was close by, I'd probably go back and play Rayxanber II again though on a rainy day. But still, its nothing I am dying to do or anything....