Aldynes is so hard, it makes me want to barf.
I've been playing for a couple of days, and I just now made it to stage 5 (with help from continues). By then, it gets absurd.
The bit in stage 3 where the red balls are flying out of the background is bullshit. Has anyone actually memorized a pattern to get through that part? If I find out that those are random, I'm giving up.
At least stage 4 had the decency to be fairly easy.
This is 100% a memorization game. There's basically no twitch-reflex action going on - it's all about choreographing a path through the stages. You don't react to the enemies and bullets so much as to your own sense of timing. Granted, manic shooters are the same way once you start aiming for a 1CC and a high score.
I'll keep playing it since I like the washed-out look and the music. For now, though, I think I need to load up Star Parodia or something.
By the way, if anyone has a good rip of the music (not a winamp/HES rip), a share would be most appreciated.