Author Topic: Saving games on PCE systems  (Read 1198 times)


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Saving games on PCE systems
« on: May 01, 2012, 07:10:34 AM »
I know this has all been asked before but I've not been able to find a nice definitive source on this stuff. Here is what I've gathered, please let me know if I have anything wrong.

NEC Backup Booster
NEC's own memory system
-- 2k of memory
-- has AV output as well, basically the Japanese version of the TurboBooster Plus (listed below)

Ten no Koe 2
A small, plastic add on, functionally equivalent to the US TurboBooster Plus except no AV support
-- Created by Hudson, beat out the Backup Booster because it was cheaper
-- Has 2K of internal memory (which is what the '2' in the name denotes)
-- Uses 2 AA batteries
-- Works on original PCE, Core Grafx, Core Grafx II and SuperGrafx
-- Insert any system card and hit select to access the memory manager
-- Takes over the expansion port, denying use of the AV Booster for the original PCE (thus, RF only)

Ten no Koe Bank HuCards
HuCards that have 8k of memory on them
-- Only needed if you want to transfer your saves from machine to machine, or temporarily store a save on the card
-- The saves on the card itself can't be used again until transfered onto a machine
-- The card contains batteries
-- Works with the US Duo, TG16 CD add-on and TurboBooster Plus assuming your system can load Japanese HuCards
-- Has four 2k banks, you can only swap a bank at a time, not individual files

Shuttle Memory Backup Unit
Similar to the Ten no Koe 2, but only works on a PCE Shuttle
-- uses a rechargeable lithium battery to store its saves
-- Still available brand new from NCSX for about $38

PCE IFU-30 ("Suitcase style") CD Add-on
-- 2k of memory
-- Uses a charged capacitor
-- should turn on system at least every 2 weeks to maintain saves
-- Compatible with Ten no Koe Bank HuCards

Super CD-Rom2 Add-on
-- 2k of memory
-- Uses a charged capacitor
-- should turn on system at least every 2 weeks to maintain saves
-- Compatible with Ten no Koe Bank HuCards

Duos (US, Original PCE, R and RX)
-- 2k of memory
-- uses a charged capacitor to save the data
-- should turn on system at least every 2 weeks to maintain saves
-- Compatible with Ten no Koe Bank HuCards

Turbo Grafx CD Add-on
-- 2k of memory
-- Uses a charged capacitor to save the data
-- should turn on system at least every 2 weeks to maintain saves
-- Compatible with Ten no Koe Bank HuCards (assuming your system has means to run Japanese HuCards)

TurboBooster Plus
-- For use on the TG16 only
-- Has 2K of internal memory
-- uses a charged capacitor to save the data
-- should turn on system every 2 weeks to maintain saves
-- Compatible with Ten no Koe Bank HuCards (assuming your system has means to run Japanese HuCards)
-- Can NOT use a system card to manage save files (seems like it might partially work? formatting?)
-- Can access and manage files using an in game manager, such as in Order of the Griffon

Just has AV, no memory support

Memory Base 128
-- late RPGs would consume most/all of the 2K available in existing save systems, so the MB128 was the answer
-- has 128K of memory, 64 times more than previous systems
-- connects between the controller port and controller
-- will work on a US TurboDuo as is
-- will work on a TG16 if a controller adapter is used
-- runs on 4 AA batteries
-- Games must support the Memory Base 128 specifically (about 18 games in total, see below)
-- Popful Mail has a rather nice interface for managing your MB128 data
-- Koei Strategy games require the MB128 for saves (I guess their save data is larger than 2k?)

Memory Base 128 compatible games
Detailed list here:
A-Ressha de Ikko- 3
Aoki O-kami to Shiroki Mejika [Save-kun]
Atlas (the) - Renaissance Voyager
Eikan Wa Kimini
Emerald Dragon
Fire Pro Female Wrestling (WOWOW vs. JWP)
Linda Cube
Nobunaga no Yabo-: Budo- Fu-un Roku [Save-kun]
Nobunaga no Yabo-: Zenkoku Ban [Save-kun]
Popful Mail
Princess Maker 2
Private Eye Doll
Super Real Mahjong P II & III Custom
Super Real Mahjong P V Custom
Tadaima Yu-sha Boshu-chu
Vasteel 2
Koei's SanGokuShi III (Romance of the Three Kingdoms III)

A save system that Koei made specifically for their games
-- basically a clone of the MB128 and compatible with MB128 games

Great write up on the Ten no Koe 2 --
Nice review of the MB128 --
Some info on the Save-Kun --
More detailed info on the MB128 --
Detailed list of MB128 compatible games --
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 03:35:41 AM by city41 »


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Re: Saving games on PCE systems
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2012, 07:15:19 AM »
Would like to add the interchangeable Memory Base 128 and Save-kun units, which are required to save data for koei strategy games, and which are also compatible with certain other games, such as popful mail.


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Re: Saving games on PCE systems
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2012, 12:01:06 PM »
As for the storage question, any PCE/TG system that can save has the same amount of storage as all the others. The Ten no Koe Bank (the HuCard) has 4 swap files in it that are each the same size as whatever is in all the systems. You swap whatever is in the system with one of the "banks" on the HuCard.

The Memory Base 128 is its own stupid thing entirely.


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Re: Saving games on PCE systems
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2012, 01:20:04 PM »
Tennokoe Bank
A small, plastic add on, functionally equivalent to the US TurboBooster Plus.
-- Has 2K of internal memory
-- Uses 2 AA batteries
-- Works on original PCE, Core Grafx and Core Grafx II (What about SuperGrafx?)
-- What is the diff between Tennokoe Bank 1 and 2?
-- Insert any system card and hit select to access the memory manager

NOT called a "bank" (those are the Hu-Cards.)  It's "Ten no Koe 2".  There was also the Backup Booster by NEC.

There is no Tennokoe 1; the "2" designates 2KB of RAM (it says here: )


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Re: Saving games on PCE systems
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2012, 04:06:31 PM »
Awesome, thanks guys. I updated the original post. NEC sure loved hardware :)


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Re: Saving games on PCE systems
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2012, 11:57:34 PM »
Tennokoe Bank
A small, plastic add on, functionally equivalent to the US TurboBooster Plus.
-- Has 2K of internal memory
-- Uses 2 AA batteries
-- Works on original PCE, Core Grafx and Core Grafx II (What about SuperGrafx?)
-- What is the diff between Tennokoe Bank 1 and 2?
-- Insert any system card and hit select to access the memory manager

There is no Tennokoe 1; the "2" designates 2KB of RAM (it says here: )
Interesting... I noticed something similar about the CD-ROM2 game 'gulclight TDF2'

I havent been able to find a 'gulclight TDF 1'. Maybe the 2 represents the 2 in CD-ROM2...?


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Re: Saving games on PCE systems
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2012, 12:50:51 AM »
Tennokoe Bank
A small, plastic add on, functionally equivalent to the US TurboBooster Plus.
-- Has 2K of internal memory
-- Uses 2 AA batteries
-- Works on original PCE, Core Grafx and Core Grafx II (What about SuperGrafx?)
-- What is the diff between Tennokoe Bank 1 and 2?
-- Insert any system card and hit select to access the memory manager

There is no Tennokoe 1; the "2" designates 2KB of RAM (it says here: )
Interesting... I noticed something similar about the CD-ROM2 game 'gulclight TDF2'

I havent been able to find a 'gulclight TDF 1'. Maybe the 2 represents the 2 in CD-ROM2...?

No, TDF2 on PCE is the sequel to TDF which was exclusive to the FM Towns.
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Re: Saving games on PCE systems
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2012, 04:07:56 AM »
Tennokoe Bank
A small, plastic add on, functionally equivalent to the US TurboBooster Plus.
-- Has 2K of internal memory
-- Uses 2 AA batteries
-- Works on original PCE, Core Grafx and Core Grafx II (What about SuperGrafx?)
-- What is the diff between Tennokoe Bank 1 and 2?
-- Insert any system card and hit select to access the memory manager

There is no Tennokoe 1; the "2" designates 2KB of RAM (it says here: )
Interesting... I noticed something similar about the CD-ROM2 game 'gulclight TDF2'

I havent been able to find a 'gulclight TDF 1'. Maybe the 2 represents the 2 in CD-ROM2...?

No, TDF2 on PCE is the sequel to TDF which was exclusive to the FM Towns.
Phenomenal knowledge deadite!!

Crap... Now i have to get an FM Towns...


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Re: Saving games on PCE systems
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2012, 05:35:28 PM »
Both the suitcase and Super CD use supercapacitors like all the other CD systems do.
Quote from: Arkhan
it makes me laugh because people are like I REMEMBER PLAYIN THAT BACK IN THE DAY, MAN THAT WAS FUN.

and then I go "yeah I remember playing that 2 days ago because I still have my SNES, retard"


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Re: Saving games on PCE systems
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2012, 08:38:12 PM »
Very nice post, City41. It makes me a little nostalgic because one of my first posts in 2005 was a write-up about the MB128 (list of games here, details here.)

That youtube video you linked is pretty good, except the reviewer is wrong about one thing: the MB128 is not a rare, valuable, collector's item! MB128's have been readily available on ebay for a consistent $10-25 for years and years. The only thing rare about it is that it's not available on ebay 100% of the time (only, like, 50% of the time). Unfortunately, if guys these days go a couple of months without being able to immediately gratify their collecting urges, they freak out.

Back on topic, here's a correction: the Turbobooster Plus cannot be accessed with a CD system card. The title screen loads, but files are not revealed for editing when the "delete" command is selected (the "format" function might work, I didn't try). Using a Tennokoe Bank or an in-game editor like Order of the Griffon is the only way I've found to view the contents of a TB+.
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Re: Saving games on PCE systems
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2012, 02:48:09 AM »
This is becoming quite a nice list!

Just a bit of information:
 -The Super CD-Rom2, and IFU-30 (suitcase style) use a charged capacitor to save data, like the Duos.
 -The NEC Backup Booster uses an internal rechargeable battery, I *think*. Can anyone confirm this?


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Re: Saving games on PCE systems
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2012, 03:25:50 AM »
Thanks grahf and ApolloBoy, I updated the list with those changes.

I'd guess the Backup Booster and TurboBooster Plus have the same tech inside, but that's just a guess.

Ah and thanks vestcoat, I didnt see your post at first. I updated with your input too.

Looking like just about all the details are there except the Backup Booster. Seems not many people ever picked one up (well, english speaking people anyway :))
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 03:32:00 AM by city41 »


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Re: Saving games on PCE systems
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2012, 04:13:05 AM »
God damn it. Are you telling me that all PCE saving solutions rely on batteries?


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Re: Saving games on PCE systems
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2012, 04:25:49 AM »
God damn it. Are you telling me that all PCE saving solutions rely on batteries?

-The Super CD-Rom2, and IFU-30 (suitcase style) use a charged capacitor to save data, like the Duos.


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Re: Saving games on PCE systems
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2012, 04:48:43 AM »
That is basically the same thing. They both run out of charge after a while and you lose your saves.