I'm slowly but surely working on the design document and other things for a PCE/TG16 RunNGun game with our very own Old man Rover

Which I hope to some day help make a reality

This was inspired/birthed by the now defunct Obey RnG idea.

Anyway, need your help giving this game a name. The Winner(s) will have his/hers/theirs name(s) likeness all over the game (buyer beware.)
Here's the gist of it
It is the year 23XX Tatsujin corps. “Eris” particle collider creates a 4D rift in space time, demonic forces tear through the rip and use humanities monster myths to take form and begin attacking an unsuspecting earth. In order to restore the dimensional balance, the cosmic entities known as the Knights of Kaos call upon the solar systems own defenses.
It is up to you to destroy these monster ravaging the earth, and seal the rip before it is too late.
Featuring Monsters from:
[ul][li]H.P. Lovecraft mythos[/li][li]Thelemic Demons and Gods[/li][li]Yokais[/li][li]Mara[/li][li]AND MORE....[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Two player Action[/li][li]8 Way shooting [/li][li]3 button support[/li][li]SUPER SPECIARU ATTACKS[/li][/ul]
"Cute 'em up X Horror - The most insane mash-up to not come out of Japan. What are they thinking?"

- Su Shiroll from Gamers Beijing Inc.
"Olalain linal Tutulu"
Fpfranrangan - Electronic Elder bits
I figure give this a run for about a month and see which name gets picked.
THANKS for playing!