Wow, you really did a hell of a job on those posts at Voice Acting Alliance! You got your shit together on all of it, exactly the person that I was looking for many many moons ago, someone willing to do the organizational grunt work that such a project entails! I didn't know though that you wanted to work on this long before our elconejotres/dub kit exchange at the MagicEngine forums, so that's cool!
Very quickly, some notes: the unreleased patch changes "Romn" to "Romun", undoing the ridiculous decision I made to sync with Falcom's "Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim." Konami used "Romun" in their PS2 localization, so I went back and changed it, so no worries, that's what it'll be with the new patch! I never released it because I wanted to wait until the dub was completed by Justus, but that never happened, so I didn't care. So if this project succeeds, the newer patch will have some minor edits such as that one! Yeah, imagine if one of the actors had to say "Romn" instead of "Romun," it'd be pathetic. Heh. Here's a list of fixes from my work text log:
** DONE List
DONE - Plain => To Field. lowercase except for location save/load boxes.
DONE - Flair & Lenore Ralle (from Rall) - update speech script with "Ralle" spelling (to Duece)
DONE - Change Romn back to Romun in speech file also.
DONE - Speak to => Talk to (Konami style)
DONE - Jeva -> Jevah
DONE - Pym -> Pim
DONE - Selceta -> Celceta - Falcom/Konami style
DONE - Sara -> Sarah
DONE - Bammi -> Bami (was spelled both ways)
DONE - oppurtunity -> opportunity
DONE - swordman -> swordsman
DONE - Romn -> Romun
The other thing was actually something I wanted to talk to you about, but it looks like you already had the same idea. If the actor is looking at the waveform of the Japanese audio clip, he/she can use the spikes (and drops) in audio as cues on when to speak, that way, you'll get a better lip sync. Might mean they have to speed up or slow down their words at times, but if done properly, it can help reduce runaway lip movement/out of sync issues, etc. It's possible when/if you complete this, I could see about doing it myself with a waveform editor, moving sections of audio around to match the Japanese waveform and whatnot. I doubt I'll have the energy for that kind of fine tuning though, but I'd just be happy to put a whole patch together once and for all. I'll probably make a NSIS-type patch this time, like my PC patches, instead of just a crappy batch file!!! A more really awesome idea would be to integrate the TurboRip source code into a NSIS-type patch where it can ask you for the Ys IV disc, rip it to an ISO/WAV/CUE image file set, patch it all in one easy shot at the click of a button! It is a rather too ambitious idea, but if the dub turns out really good, I may be inspired to go that far, so you never know! =)