wow, xray is a real turboldtimer then
it also seems, that we have some few 75er in here
You can call me gramps !
I started playing video games, like millions of others, with space invaders, centipede and asteroid.
1st counsel of course was atari tennis. Lame as it may seem now, it was pretty amazing back then, burned quite a few hours bouncing that little ball around. Got a kick out of that tank game too.
Things progressed when "Joust" came around, me and my buddies were hooked on that damn thing, dropped fist fulls of quarters in that thing for weeks on end.
One day a neighbor says "hey, you want to play some mario ??" I said "mari-what ? Never heard of it, what is it" ? He was like, oh shit, you never heard of mario, well come and try this. So I got hooked on that for a while, but soon I was out and about in military service, and didn't have the time or inclination for any gaming.
When I was settled down a bit years later, I started thinking of getting a system, I dismissed the obvious, Nintendo, right away. Games were Ok, but everyone I knew that had one, the unit fried out sooner or later. They'd be blowing in them, shaking them, swabbing out the contacts with alcohol or spit, screen blinked, faded or went black ,, And I saw more than 1 guy get sick and tired of it and smash it against a wall. I had heard of TG, and heard the hoopla about being the 1st 16 bit system, and I always have been the type to root for the underdog, so Turbo it was - And I'd say I made a damn good choice.
Picked up a used unit with 4 games, and proceeded to build it to a collection of over 60, saved all the boxes ,,, Never looked back.
Alot of guys here bitch about the pricing trends of Turbo, I'm on the fence on that issue. But it shows 1 thing beyond a doubt - These games are in demand.
There is a strong market for them, which may increase, may decrease ,,, Whatever trends that develop in the months and years to come, TG has stood the test of time, and I am glad to have been an original part of that, and am glad to have the interest now, almost 2 decades down the road.