Author Topic: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid  (Read 1868 times)


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Re: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2013, 04:23:42 AM »
Bernie, your measured response is appreciated. My last post before this one pretty much sums it up. There's not much more I can say on this. After NightWolve's over-the-top response, include a couple VERY harassing PMs, I just can't see it as simply as that. Maybe if it were someone else on the forum who posted what NightWolve did I'd be able to see it your way.
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Re: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2013, 04:30:53 AM »
These statements make you look a bit misogynistic and reflect poorly on this forum and the community built around it.

And this is why we have so few female members on this forum and in this hobby. Because large portions of the community come off like sexist pigs.

And this
And it's the exact kind of crap that keeps this hobby a boy's club. It also says more about you than you think it does. In short, you're no class act.

This is why you are getting flack from NW.  I would've been a little peeved as well if you basically called me a sexist pig... 


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Re: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2013, 04:37:28 AM »
This is why you are getting flack from NW.  I would've been a little peeved as well if you basically called me a sexist pig... 

Taking flak is one thing. The kind of vitriol he's putting out is in another category altogether. Someone punches me and I think it's for no good reason, I'm gonna punch back. I'm not gonna run them over in my car.
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Keith Courage

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Re: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2013, 07:15:23 AM »
Well this is weird. So the person doing shady repairs put all kinds of effort into help translate Ys IV? Why contribute so much to a system you love by helping translate an awesome game to then later not make good on repairs you provide for the same system?

Something doesn't add up. Maybe this person never responded to emails cause something happened to them? Maybe she is in the hospital? Family crisis? Who knows?


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Re: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid
« Reply #34 on: January 26, 2013, 07:43:55 AM »
Nah, she is still actively doing work on eBay and YouTube.  :). It is what it is I guess...

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Re: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid
« Reply #35 on: January 26, 2013, 08:37:24 AM »
Oh okay, I thought she hadn't returned any messages to anyone about anything. That's different


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Re: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid
« Reply #36 on: January 26, 2013, 08:54:39 AM »
I bought two scart cables from them, one for snes one for genesis.  communication is a little spotty but I got the cables in a decent time period, although they sent me the wrong genesis cable. after a few emails they put the right cable in the mail to me


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Re: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid
« Reply #37 on: January 26, 2013, 09:14:36 AM »
I agree with spenoza, some of wolfs comments were definitly in poor taste.

Also Ive bought almost all of my rgb cables from this seller and they are well built and arrived quickly and have been recommending them to people for rgb cables.
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Re: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid
« Reply #38 on: January 26, 2013, 09:58:00 AM »
Maybe it was just a fluke then.  I dunno.  The OP doesn't appear to be around much.


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Re: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid
« Reply #39 on: January 26, 2013, 11:35:45 AM »
I personally wouldn't have many any comments like NightWolve's but at the same time I don't have a problem with it. Its just more below my radar dumb shit not worth making a fuss about, IMO.

Sometimes things need to be said about appropriate language and the sensitivity of others, but then other times you have dudes co-opting the struggles of another group in an attempt to give meaning to their own lives and getting it all wrong in the process. Vagina envy. I think this is more like that. I was raised by a single mom and I did this a lot myself. It took a long time for me to realize that woman were people too. A lot of them are wonderful perfect angels, and a lot of them are dumb jerks that like Larry the Cable Guy.

There are plenty of woman who would laugh at the joke. None of them are here for the same reason that %99 of all web forums are dominated by men. It isn't about games, lots of woman play games, its more about the extent to which men take their hobbies and the nature by which their obsession manifests itself.

This is a lady who learned a foreign language just so she could tell Vic Ireland to f*ck off with some authority. That's pretty awesome, IMO. If she worked on Ys, lived in three countries, does PCE mods, etc, and still feels like dressing as Sexy Pikachu then I think she's probably tough enough to take a "plug" joke. No, I wouldn't have made the joke myself, but not all women are ultra sensitive prudes so wracked with reverse chauvinism that they're going to avoid a web forum en masse because of one stupid joke. They've got all sorts of other reasons to avoid the forum. :)

As for the original topic, I bought a cable from this her a year or two ago, everything went fine. Obviously as a translator for Ys her contributions to the PCE community should give her a little more credit than a guy with 56 posts (who, to my ears, sounds like a bit of a whinger, but that's only a hunch). The translation of Ys IV was probably the most significant homebrew/hack thing in the history of PCE, IMO. I think a lot of you would agree with this if you thought about it.

Which isn't to say that she isn't a hack and a thief too, but we don't have the whole story. It would be interesting to hear from the guy that fixed moonwhistle's PCE since he's the only one who has seen the defective work that was done.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 11:41:01 AM by SignOfZeta »


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Re: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid
« Reply #40 on: January 26, 2013, 12:57:01 PM »
In NightWolve's defense, about the whole "this is why we don't have female members here" crap or what ever I'd like to drop a friendly reminder. Last I checked the prior two that were here had issues going on. You had one, T&A Kirby, flirting with people somewhat, also going out of her way to be involved in the behind the scenes garbage involving Nintega, and then you'd have her complaining about the free games she was receiving. She was a idiot to say the least. The other, Misa, the PCFX fan who mainly played PCFX and watched anime, was a bipolar mess, feigning constant near death health issues online for sympathy, yet somehow managing to never just f*cking die already. When she ran out of good stories to tell, along with the actual ability to back them up, she moved on to another forum, then another, and so on I guess. I believe I last spotted her on Vogons pretending to be someone else in typical Dave fashion. Rinse and repeat, the story of her life. Also, she sucked at Shogo, which she was supposedly supposed to be good at, but I curb stomped her at about every turn, even when she had help.

Really normal girl gamers tend to just hang out in girl gaming circles online mostly, unless it is WOW related or something.  Just as you're not beating down the door trying to join their forums, don't expect them to do so here. For that matter, this system was a niche system for the more serious collector/player, not for the average gamer, and you are not going to find as many serious collectors being women typically, because girls and women gaming did not become more common until the Playstation era, so not as many are going to know of, or care about, this system. They will be more focused on the mainstream stuff. Just how it is.

Concerning pcenginesales, most of my transactions with her went off without a hitch, as did one of my friends. I had one issue where a Super Cd Rom 2 unit wasn't packed maybe as well as it could be, and the lid switch was knocked loose during transit. It was a easy fix though at any rate. Regardless, sometimes sellers just go bad or get flaky. Sellers with mental issues, more so I am sure.

Also, I did not have any issue with what NW said. Pcesales doesn't even come around here, and to be honest, its fair play I guess if shes talking shit about him anyway.

edit: lest we forget this gem of a post:

Here I am after quite a long break. I apologize for my lack of posts here, but I've been more occupied at the TurboGrafx Network forum for Black Tiger's website, along with other matters including a recent trip to Reno for the holidays to visit my uncle who lives there.

As a Christmas present, SuperPCEngineGrafx had sent me Battle Royale whilst I was away. I had a bit of a disdain upon receiving it, as I've heard of heavy criticism on this particular title, especially since it wasn't a title I desired to have and I had sent him the list of titles I wanted by a private message. I asked him about this decision, and he explained to me that it was the only game he could find locally that I didn't have, and he had missed out on an ad on Craigslist for a copy of Bloody Wolf as he was very busy in the days it was featured (I'm okay with that aspect, though, as Bloody Wolf isn't a title I highly desire either).

Seriously, joins forum, guys start sending her shit just because shes a chick, then she complains on here and on youtube about free stuff she gets like a spoiled bitch.    :roll:
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 02:38:32 PM by ProfessorProfessorson »

Black Tiger

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Re: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid
« Reply #41 on: January 26, 2013, 03:19:46 PM »

Seriously, joins forum, guys start sending her shit just because shes a chick, then she complains on here and on youtube about free stuff she gets like a spoiled bitch.    :roll:

Yes, that is exactly why I gave her a TG-16, cuz she's a "chick". I guess that all the stuff I've sent guys over the years was because I thought that they were cute. Who were the other guys showering Kirby with gifts?

What she did with the free stuff is make a bunch of youtube videos with it. She even managed to beat Legendary Axe, which many people can't do.

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Re: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid
« Reply #42 on: January 26, 2013, 04:41:33 PM »

STATUS: This thread continues to take turns and twists that I didn't anticipate. Hilarious!
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Re: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid
« Reply #43 on: January 26, 2013, 06:00:02 PM »

Seriously, joins forum, guys start sending her shit just because shes a chick, then she complains on here and on youtube about free stuff she gets like a spoiled bitch.    :roll:

Yes, that is exactly why I gave her a TG-16, cuz she's a "chick". I guess that all the stuff I've sent guys over the years was because I thought that they were cute. Who were the other guys showering Kirby with gifts?

What she did with the free stuff is make a bunch of youtube videos with it. She even managed to beat Legendary Axe, which many people can't do.

This is not the only forum/medium she was on, and you were not the only person supposedly sending her "gifts" or whatever between here and youtube. If you want a list, ask her. She was deleting comments on her youtube videos and channel, so I cant tell you who all she was doing this with, but it was not limited to here. Why would you care to know anyway, you jealous or something about a girl who has not even posted on here since what, 4 years ago???

I myself put her on ignore after she tried to recruit herself to be some kind of weird back stabbing spy on Nintega since he had a crush on her. If you do need someone to confirm that, drop Sini a pm, because she was contacting him about that mess also. But I mean hey, if you were supposedly such a good friend of hers or whatever to be sending gifts to begin with, you should already know she was a double agent wanna be.

At any rate,  I did not exactly name you by name either did I? So, no reason to get your panties in a bunch. People can just read the prior thread and judge for themselves how she was behaving. The comment wasn't even about you specifically, it was about what happened when she joined. She joins, guys send her free stuff, and she complains. THAT is what happened, though I should have stated she also joined the youtube gaming community also (whatever community that is), since you demand specifics. But I mean also, hey, if you decide to send any new cute guys gifts, as you put it, who just joined the forum free stuff too, then cool man, that is your business. I aint got nuthin against you swinging for the male persuasion. Only new person who seemed to post about the "gifts" and gift list though here at that time though, with "disdain" anyway, was her, which is what made it memorable. If you want to post links to threads of new guys who joined up and started threads about your gifts, by all means, have at it.

She beat LA, really, besides you, who cares? Sorry, I don't remember that. On the totem pole of importance, it ranks pretty low, and the way you are commenting on it,  is that in some ways insinuating that it would be even harder for a girl to beat it then a guy....hard to say..... Either way, guy or girl, it doesn't give someone the license to act like an ass about a gift publicly, or in private.

EDIT: Oh wait, almost forgot :P

« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 06:11:08 PM by ProfessorProfessorson »


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Re: retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid
« Reply #44 on: January 26, 2013, 07:03:17 PM »
She beat LA, really, besides you, who cares? Sorry, I don't remember that. On the totem pole of importance, it ranks pretty low, and the way you are commenting on it,  is that in some ways insinuating that it would be even harder for a girl to beat it then a guy....hard to say..... Either way, guy or girl, it doesn't give someone the license to act like an ass about a gift publicly, or in private.

Actually, I do find that pretty impressive. Most members here, my self included, lack the time or the skills or the interest to come close to clearing even 1/2 of our collections.

That's all I have to say about this person though. I don't really remember this fiasco and really don't give a shit about it.