Seriously, joins forum, guys start sending her shit just because shes a chick, then she complains on here and on youtube about free stuff she gets like a spoiled bitch. 
Yes, that is exactly why I gave her a TG-16, cuz she's a "chick". I guess that all the stuff I've sent guys over the years was because I thought that they were cute. Who were the other guys showering Kirby with gifts?
What she did with the free stuff is make a bunch of youtube videos with it. She even managed to beat Legendary Axe, which many people can't do.
This is not the only forum/medium she was on, and you were not the only person supposedly sending her "gifts" or whatever between here and youtube. If you want a list, ask her. She was deleting comments on her youtube videos and channel, so I cant tell you who all she was doing this with, but it was not limited to here. Why would you care to know anyway, you jealous or something about a girl who has not even posted on here since what, 4 years ago???
I myself put her on ignore after she tried to recruit herself to be some kind of weird back stabbing spy on Nintega since he had a crush on her. If you do need someone to confirm that, drop Sini a pm, because she was contacting him about that mess also. But I mean hey, if you were supposedly such a good friend of hers or whatever to be sending gifts to begin with, you should already know she was a double agent wanna be.
At any rate, I did not exactly name you by name either did I? So, no reason to get your panties in a bunch. People can just read the prior thread and judge for themselves how she was behaving. The comment wasn't even about you specifically, it was about what happened when she joined. She joins, guys send her free stuff, and she complains. THAT is what happened, though I should have stated she also joined the youtube gaming community also (whatever community that is), since you demand specifics. But I mean also, hey, if you decide to send any new cute guys gifts, as you put it, who just joined the forum free stuff too, then cool man, that is your business. I aint got nuthin against you swinging for the male persuasion. Only
new person who seemed to post about the "gifts" and gift list though here at that time though, with "disdain" anyway, was her, which is what made it memorable. If you want to post links to threads of new guys who joined up and started threads about your gifts, by all means, have at it.
She beat LA, really, besides you, who cares? Sorry, I don't remember that. On the totem pole of importance, it ranks pretty low, and the way you are commenting on it, is that in some ways insinuating that it would be even harder for a girl to beat it then a guy....hard to say..... Either way, guy or girl, it doesn't give someone the license to act like an ass about a gift publicly, or in private.
EDIT: Oh wait, almost forgot