This is what I don't get about this forum. It's my favorite forum, don't get me wrong, but most of the drama here is pointless.
My initial reaction of "
Who the hell is this guy?" hasn't changed.
Instead of understanding when to drop a subject, these stupid arguments go on for pages and pages and pages.
It's not for you, some random cunt, to decide for *me* that it was time to drop a subject, especially when said subject was about me and the insults directed against me, etc... I guess since you gave the hack spenoza a pass in your "scolding," I am to infer you approved of his insults since all you really did is add more, eh ?
NightWolve, I don't want to waste my life reading your several paragraph long arguments. I don't think you like typing these either.
For someone decrying stupid arguments, you'd do well to avoid them yourself in your opening protest! I think the image of you strapped in the chair was better than any textual argument that could be made, but yeah, the idea that if I make a long post, you're gonna have to forcibly waste your miserable life reading it, and that by implication I should shorten them to suit your "needs" is insulting to logic and reason. I can tell in the first paragraph if I'm gonna be interested or not in reading the rest of what someone has to say... So you know what I do ?? Gosh golly, I f*cking stop reading (AKA ignore the rest)! Even if I'm interested, I might stop reading just out of laziness at the time, and if so, well, my loss!
Solution: you're welcome to pass my posts by or hit the ignore, I don't really care which cause as far as I can tell, you're a non-factor to this board (as I told you in FS) and if you disappeared tomorrow, I don't think it'd make a difference in quality, either way. You're not funny, entertaining, nor interesting, and that is only from what I have seen of you, limited as it has been, so I could be wrong about that, but I'm gonna point it out since you made judgments about the quality of some veterans here - You wanted to be wiseguy contrarian against me in particular.
I mean, Sinistron was arguing with this Adol guy once for about 11 whole pages. Adol just kept saying "I am not listening to you, you are stupid." or something like that. But NO, Sinistron would not stop until Aaron stepped in.
I'm not familiar with the incident, and I don't care, but this is no equivalent. It's not that long, and the people arguing have varied. Plus, taking cheapshots at those you dislike while avoiding those that you do or propping them up (Dickki) was no way to end this, but to prolong it!
I don't even want to know what the hell is going on with ProfessorProfessorson and Sign of Zeta.
Then stay out of the thread. Who are you again, and why do I give a f*ck what you think ?
Why is he wasting time making shitty, non funny videos? What even happened?
You can read, can't ya ? As for his videos, they
were quite hilarious! I wasn't aware of such software and sure, after a couple of times, what was done would lose comedic effect, but since it's new to me, it was quite entertaining. You've got a hard-on for Professor evidently, so the "enemy" of course is NEVER funny... I know how that works.
Or with DarkKholbold, he just had some screw up with saying the wrong worth of some Super CDs.
Why is this guy Dickki such an underdog hero to clowns like you that'd you shoehorn in a shoddy defense for him in the middle of this?? I just don't get it... You love eBay prices or hate Necro or both ??
You guys will probably flip shit at me or whatever, or waste time analyzing sentence by sentence of what I am saying,
So what you're saying or rather predicting is that by insulting me and others, that we'll probably respond by insulting you back ? Wow, this guy must have a crystal ball!!! NO way he could've known that this would happen without one! NO WAY! And so OK, by preemptively predicting and stating this, you're, I dunno, somehow portraying yourself above it or hoping to deter it ?
but this is a video game forum, not some nerd rage forum.
So you're not a nerd ? And this wasn't minor raging of your own here?
Everybody here is great, and better than this.
Take cheapshots at multiple people and then pander by end of it... Good strategy! You should play thread hero more often!
Somebody lock this thread. It bores the hell out of me.
Somebody show lukester here where the exit is because he bores the hell out of me! Surely you can figure out how to ignore one measly thread that so bores you in a pool of dozens and dozens of them at any given point in time rather than calling for it to be locked to keep those you insulted from responding back to you...
Not really here to entertain you. Its a take it or leave it situation. Tune in, or tune out. You know where the door is at. It's a klik away.
I might as well, have fun...
I see, let the lukester have HIS fun first, and THEN the thread can be locked! That's how it works! Respect his authoritor indeed!