Wanna talk about Double Dragon popularity? It was so auwsome, it had it's own television series. A whole series about a couple of gang punks from another beat em up series, but in America. Why not call it "Bad Arse's From Japan: IN AMERIKA???" or even Bad Dudes from Japan: In America???
Lets think. Billy and Jimmy venture to gangland USA, to make freinds with the neighborhoods fluffer, when she is kidnapped and taken hostage. Double Dragon goes out on a rampage. Then the second game, she is somehow a college graduate reporter??? who is killed, and they go on a revenge spree??? Then afterwards ( the downhill ) they reunite with their former villians, to take on an chinese ancient timish foe???
The one thing I will love about this series, is the one animation I remember watching, ( which spawn one fighting game on the Genesis ).
So yeah Double Dragon, did what Strider, and Startropics failed to do,
Generate a US audience that is familiar with it.
Now let me say it. If Double Dragon movie was done, would it be watchable??? Lets think, no gangland USA, no normal looking square 80's and 70's cars, no big buff guys walking on set, or pornstar/models with nice hair. It would be like TNMNT's film being filmed in modern manhattan.
A bland, boring world, with no logic.
Lets remember TNMNT vs Double Dragon, vs Battle Toads, vs Fatal Fury,
vs GON? Who would win
In a post apocolypic world where the badguys from Battle Toads and TV double dragon would team up............we would throw in Shendue from Jackie Chan, maybe this could work.