Author Topic: Profound sadness...  (Read 979 times)


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Re: Profound sadness...
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2012, 06:17:39 PM »
wow, 90 bucks. that's heavy. thx prof.
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Re: Profound sadness...
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2012, 01:22:08 AM »
wow, 90 bucks. that's heavy. thx prof.

I think I am being modest when I say that Double Dragon II is worth $290 for the music alone  . 

Seriously. If you think about it, you are paying less than $0.80 USD a day (over the course of a year) to indulge in aural delights of exquisite design.

I don't think anyone would argue that $0.79 USD was too high of a price for Heaven.

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Re: Profound sadness...
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2012, 01:44:48 AM »
damn that stuff is still up after 5 years. slurped 'em all, thx :D
the home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games coundown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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Re: Profound sadness...
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2012, 02:37:23 PM »
I think I am being modest when I say that Double Dragon II is worth $290 for the music alone  . 

Seriously. If you think about it, you are paying less than $0.80 USD a day (over the course of a year) to indulge in aural delights of exquisite design.

I don't think anyone would argue that $0.79 USD was too high of a price for Heaven.

Thanks for the link!  Listening to the music as I type. :)


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Re: Profound sadness...
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2012, 02:59:27 PM »
I wish I could get the cut scenes on the NES game, that would be the perfect combo.

Samurai Ghost

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Re: Profound sadness...
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2012, 06:50:32 PM »
What about DD for the Master System? :twisted:


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Re: Profound sadness...
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2012, 02:27:55 AM »
DD for master system is f*cking tits on toast.

i love that version the most.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Profound sadness...
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2012, 10:33:19 AM »
DD for master system is f*cking tits on toast.

i love that version the most.

Really? I've never played it but most people seem to hate it. But I just bought it as a part of a lot so it should be here in the next day or two.


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Re: Profound sadness...
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2012, 05:52:34 PM »
Personally I think DDII on PCE is my favorite game in the whole series! Really kick ass port, I love the graphics, music, and cinemas!
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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Re: Profound sadness...
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2012, 12:34:16 AM »
DD 1 on SMS is the best thing outside of the original at the arcade.  I never had a SMS growing up, only a NES.  Since Double Dragon was one of my most played arcade games, I also had it on NES, but every time I played it something felt off.

Years later when I got the SMS version, I realized I had been missing out.  It is my favorite early port of the game, hands down.


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Re: Profound sadness...
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2012, 10:38:04 AM »
DD 1 on SMS is the best thing outside of the original at the arcade.  I never had a SMS growing up, only a NES.  Since Double Dragon was one of my most played arcade games, I also had it on NES, but every time I played it something felt off.

Years later when I got the SMS version, I realized I had been missing out.  It is my favorite early port of the game, hands down.

The Genesis port of DD1 is the best port by far. DD II on Mega Drive isn't too bad either, as far as direct arcade ports goes, but it definitely has flaws. DD II for Nes was just really well balanced and it let the Nes strut its stuff with some really solid graphics and tight controls. The music and story scenes for Nes were top notch too. Could just be me, but it seems like whenever I have run DD and DD II on Mame the emulation suffers slowdown that was not on the actual arcade game pcb. Its bad enough to make me not want to play the two at all on Mame.


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Re: Profound sadness...
« Reply #26 on: May 18, 2012, 10:53:47 AM »
I recently got the SMS version of Double Dragon and really dig it.  I had a Master System bitd, but sold it to get a TG-16, so never amassed much of a collection for it.  Lately I've been picking up games for the system that slipped through the cracks for me, and DD was one of them.  It's pretty sweet!  Yes, there's a lot of flickering, but it's 2 PLAYER!  The hit detection takes some getting used to; it's pretty wonky.


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Re: Profound sadness...
« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2012, 10:57:48 AM »
DD 1 on SMS is the best thing outside of the original at the arcade.  I never had a SMS growing up, only a NES.  Since Double Dragon was one of my most played arcade games, I also had it on NES, but every time I played it something felt off.

Years later when I got the SMS version, I realized I had been missing out.  It is my favorite early port of the game, hands down.
I normally prefer SMS ports, but on DD I'm not so sure. I rented the NES version once when I was young and didn't think much of it. Recently, I played it again after years of owning the SMS cart and was pleasantly surprised. The NES music is really good and the graphics are sharper. SMS DD is a nice two-player, but the flicker and slowdown are a serious problem.
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Re: Profound sadness...
« Reply #28 on: May 18, 2012, 11:01:18 AM »
I normally prefer SMS ports, but on DD I'm not so sure. I rented the NES version once when I was young and didn't think much of it. Recently, I played it again after years of owning the SMS cart and was pleasantly surprised. The NES music is really good and the graphics are sharper. SMS DD is a nice two-player, but the flicker and slowdown are a serious problem.

I like the NES version as well.  It's just too bad it wasn't a 2 player game. Same with Riot Zone. 


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Re: Profound sadness...
« Reply #29 on: May 18, 2012, 12:41:05 PM »
Wanna talk about Double Dragon popularity? It was so auwsome, it had it's own television series. A whole series about a couple of gang punks from another beat em up series, but in America. Why not call it "Bad Arse's From Japan: IN AMERIKA???" or even Bad Dudes from Japan: In America???

Lets think. Billy and Jimmy venture to gangland USA, to make freinds with the neighborhoods fluffer, when she is kidnapped and taken hostage. Double Dragon goes out on a rampage. Then the second game, she is somehow a college graduate reporter??? who is killed, and they go on a revenge spree??? Then afterwards ( the downhill ) they reunite with their former villians, to take on an chinese ancient timish foe???

The one thing I will love about this series, is the one animation I remember watching, ( which spawn one fighting game on the Genesis ).
So yeah Double Dragon, did what Strider, and Startropics failed to do,
Generate a US audience that is familiar with it.

Now let me say it. If Double Dragon movie was done, would it be watchable??? Lets think, no gangland USA, no normal looking square 80's and 70's cars, no big buff guys walking on set, or pornstar/models with nice hair. It would be like TNMNT's film being filmed in modern manhattan.
A bland, boring world, with no logic.

Lets remember TNMNT vs Double Dragon, vs Battle Toads, vs Fatal Fury,
vs GON? Who would win

In a post apocolypic world where the badguys from Battle Toads and TV double dragon would team up............we would throw in Shendue from Jackie Chan, maybe this could work.