I just picked this game up for cheap and thought it looked interesting. I started playing it tonight and I have been enjoying it! It's like Ys III meets Rygar with muzak.
It's a platformer with a strict time limit per level with a boss every couple stages. Your character has a weapon that can be upgraded by collecting colored spheres. The enemies are a little cheap but have predictable patterns. The Graphics are nothing special but the stages are quite colorful so it makes for a nice looking game. The anime cutscenes are very colorful and well animated. The music is straight up elevator music but it doesn't get annoying and is very well composed.
It always surprises me at how many PCE games there are that you never here about. There is no Japanese text at all so it's completely playable by anyone with two thumbs. I would recommend picking this game up if you can get it for $15 or less.
Has anyone else played this? PCEDAI only lists 1 user as clearing this game and it seems like a fun game to try and clear.