Author Topic: HuCard Shells - Maybe I can help?  (Read 507 times)


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HuCard Shells - Maybe I can help?
« on: May 14, 2012, 12:52:09 PM »
I just finished reading the thread/debate about HuCard vs CD Games:

I think that releasing new games on HuCards would be awesome for Turbo Express owners!
Especially for those of you with the new screen mod that I read about on another thread.
It might also make it easier for ya'll to get investors for any PCE/TG16 New Game Projects ya'll might have. Just a thought. ;)

I can't make any promises, or give out timelines at this point, but when I'm able to afford to start making the CD-Jewel Case Trays for HuCards; I can also add a HuCard Shell design to the mold.

I already have the Design of the CD-Jewel Case Trays for HuCards figured out (very similar to the ACD Tray, but not as thick, so it'll fit in a standard-size Jewel Case), but it's going to be a while before I raise enough funds to start producing them.
A rough estimate for pricing would be about 1 USD (or less; most likely less) for each HuCard Shell.
You all could just buy them as you need them; with or without the CD-Jewel Case Trays for HuCards.

One thing I'm lacking right now is fully tested CAD files of the HuCard Shell, as well as detailed info on the Specific Material(s) it should be made with.
By the way, I'll also be needing a CAD File for the Arcade Card's HuCard Design, if any of you all plan to make Arcade Cards, but can't afford the Injection-Molding side of things. I'll just add it to an empty spot on the Master Mold for the CD-Jewel-Case-Style tray for HuCards.
Please base it on housing a working design for a PCB that can be made within the next 5 years.
I am very interested in making Arcade Cards that'll work in both a PCE and TG16, but it's going to be a long time before I can afford to do so.
Startup costs (R&D, Tooling and Paying for the First Batch) for the PCB is an issue for me, at this time.

Unfortunately, I can't help ya'll when it comes to making the PCBs & Chips.
The shape and design of those is something ya'll need to nail down before I start making the HuCard Shells.
However, ya'll could always get a machine shop to cut away any unneeded plastic to accommodate non-standard designs.
This should wind up being a cheaper alternative, in the short-term, for you all, as you won't have to spend tens of thousands of dollars on the Injection-Molded-Plastics Mold.

Something to keep in mind while making the CAD Files, is the different pin-outs of the PCE and TG16.
Ideally, the designs ya'll come up with should make accommodations for this.
I'm not sure what the best strategy would be; but one way of going about it is
to design the HuCard Shell in such a way as to have an
"A Side Up for PCE" and a
"B Side Up for TG16".
ie; two rows of pins, on the Left.
This should accommodate a single, small PCB that is double sided.
In other words, a rectangular all-the-way-through hole on the back of the card, so the second row of contacts, from the PCB, can get through. I'm not sure what (if anything) that'll do the structural integrity of the HuCard.

Also, you all should make the CAD Files public, because it might take a very long time before I can get this product line up and running.
This opens the opportunity for someone else to beat me to the punch.

I know that there some groups out there that are already working on making HuCards; and I don't want to step on any toes.
If any of you all already have plans for the Injection-molded part of your project, let me know if I should abandon the HuCard-Shells part of my project, or you can upload CAD files for the casing you need, as I may be able to add your variations to my Mold.
Just be aware that it may be a year or more before I can get this product line going.

One last thing; what should we call it?
"HuCard Shell" seems kind of awkward.
If there's a better term to use, or of you like this one, let me know.
I'll hold off on making a placeholder page (in the "Console & Cartridge Shells" section) on My Website, until a good name can be had for it.


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Re: HuCard Shells - Maybe I can help?
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2012, 12:55:54 PM »
This is making me feel sooooo good inside.. :)


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Re: HuCard Shells - Maybe I can help?
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2012, 03:37:07 PM »
Shell works for me dude, thats what I have been calling them.

If you have a surefire way to make a mold that fits the AbCard design, and is dirt cheap, it might be a great idea.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: HuCard Shells - Maybe I can help?
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2012, 03:40:48 PM »
They'll be priced as low as I can get them, (without sacrificing quality or longevity).
After all, they have to compete with the cost of CDs.


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Re: HuCard Shells - Maybe I can help?
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2012, 03:48:26 PM »
Wait, shell... Are you simply talking about a plastic enclosure used to store a homebrew HuCard, or an actually functioning plastic outer cover that stays on all the time, even when in use?
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Re: HuCard Shells - Maybe I can help?
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2012, 04:06:13 PM »
I'm talking about an actually functioning plastic outer cover that stays on all the time, even when in use.

In other words, imagine the Keith Courage HuCard.
Remove the black part with the PCB & the connectors/pins, and throw it away.
What remains is what I'm talking about, the white plastic part.
Does anyone have a picture of a HuCard with the PCB Removed?


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Re: HuCard Shells - Maybe I can help?
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2012, 06:10:14 PM »
Yeah, OK, I get it. I just wanted to be clear.
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