Tons of PCE games have parallax... layers just make it easier to do. Whether you use h-int trickery, dynamic tiles, sprite overlays/underlays, or a combination of any of the three... ultimately, it's pretty easy to do, but just not as easy as on a layered system. Complex, multi-directional backgrounds are difficult with only a single layer, but that too doesn't mean that it can't be done... Frozen Utopia's Jungle Bros' later scenes feature semi-complex multi-directional parallax pulled off via a combined strategy of dynamic tiles and sprites.
Ok, so dynamic tiles are basically animated background tiles, correct?
Quote from: soop on May 16, 2012, 10:29:05 PMOk, so dynamic tiles are basically animated background tiles, correct?Yeah. You copy new data to VRAM at the address of the tile you want to change. That's the most efficient way of doing it. If you've ever seen the Monolith prototype videos... I use dynamic tiles for the three-layer lower parallax in the village, and then again in the dungeon for the distant red brick patterns. Both areas also have sprite underlays for additional parallax. The Jungle Bros demo uses the h-int parallax technique together with sprite overlays for depth, though later areas use dynamic tiles with sprite overlays to really look nice. It's not too hard to do, but it can take a lot of prep work.
"Crash course" is only 11 tutorials. I might do some game-specific tutorials later on... I'm working on a vertical shooter engine right now that I might eventually turn into a tutorial, and of course I'll also do a comparative tutorial on the differences between hucard productions and CD productions.
I just felt in a hole!