Has anyone tried fiend hunter?
There are quite a few amazing platformers on TG/PCE. I think we all think Shooters first on this system but after cleaning up my game closet last night, I realized my platformers titles have grown, and now I have more of them vs. shooters!Some of my favs:Dynasty Wars SCD (Tenchi o Warou) -> (Tenchi o Kurau) Wonderboy I -> you sure mean Bikkuriman World (Wonder Boy in monster land) which isn't the first but the 2nd of all wonder boys, or you mean Wonderboy II - Monster Lair? The very first Wonder Boy was never translated to the PCE, closest to that would be takahashi meijin no shinboukenjima Tekahashi Yumeijin (NEw Advanture Island) -> takahashi meijin no shinboukenjima
Quote from: JapanTokei on May 27, 2012, 03:15:18 AMThere are quite a few amazing platformers on TG/PCE. I think we all think Shooters first on this system but after cleaning up my game closet last night, I realized my platformers titles have grown, and now I have more of them vs. shooters!Some of my favs:Dynasty Wars SCD (Tenchi o Warou) -> (Tenchi o Kurau) Wonderboy I -> you sure mean Bikkuriman World (Wonder Boy in monster land) which isn't the first but the 2nd of all wonder boys, or you mean Wonderboy II - Monster Lair? The very first Wonder Boy was never translated to the PCE, closest to that would be takahashi meijin no shinboukenjima Tekahashi Yumeijin (NEw Advanture Island) -> takahashi meijin no shinboukenjima some corrections
Quote from: Nando on May 27, 2012, 02:50:28 PMHas anyone tried fiend hunter?It's supposed to have Prince of Persia like gameplay. Most people don't seem to like it. I've wanted to play it for years ever since putting off purchasing it new from a local store which soon went under.
Fiend Hunter is an excellent game. It's the closest shit you'll get to a flashback-style game on the Turbob.
Genji Tsūshin Agedama underappreciated gem
Altered Beast (I love this for historical reasons, even though the Sega/MD version is much better)
So I assume you've got some 1.o power
Never understood why Altered Beast (and several others) freak out with any other card.