is there a better kit for the Gameboy Advance units? I have an afterburner but it looks terrible.
My God why waste the time? The SP and SP2 are so completely great and cheap everyone should own a dozen of them.
How does the SP & SP 2 compare to playing GBA games on a DS? Aside from the fact that DS doesn't run full screen, I mean
Are the colors more washed out and is there ghosting? The DS ghosts slightly.
The SP is a front light, so like all front lights it tints the image. In this case the tint is blue. Some games actually have coloring options where you can change the palette to compensate for which GBA you have. I actually grew to like the blue tint, honestly, but I can see why some people wouldn't.
The SP2 is totally different. Its a backlight screen, pretty much like a huge Gameboy Micro. Sadly there is there is still a hint of that green that the DS Lite has so while its a very very crisp image, I don't like the temperature as much.
Then there is the Micro, which is something I love at least as much as the SP. The screen is small but its nearly Retina in its sharpness. OK, so its not that close Retina at all actually, but it is amazingly clear.