So, I am not going to be providing 6 button support. It doesn't seem quite worth it at this point.
Also, I tried it out some.
It is not like the arcade controls in which the reverse button is right next to your joystick hand and you can just plop your thumb down and turn.
It's disorienting. You can't easily reverse and shoot because it requires the same hand. So, screw that shit.
In other news, you'll all be getting 3 shots. They move fast. Like, 8 pixels per frame fast. Any faster and it looks retarded.
I've got the shots working like I want them to, finally. Even at 8 pixels/frame, the collisions seem to be sound.
Next up, is going to be having enemies return fire.
I have to take some creative liberties with Atlantean VS. Defender.
We aren't using a blitter, and cannot do all the shit on screen that Defender did.
It seems to be OK so far though, especially since the Defender art was tiny and lent itself well to lots of shit on screen.
Atlantean uses 16x16 sprites. All of that stuff really does clutter the screen, fast.
It won't be radically different though. You'll still have mine droppers, a$$holes that follow you, a$$holes that blow up and launch things that follow you, and all of that.
and the 10 man pickup strategy will not work for you in Atlantean.
That was where you could grab all the guys and hold them and slow the game down because the machine would draw all the humanoids on screen (on top of each other).
PCE can handle that no problem.
So, no cheating.
and there wont be any option where you can get the mutants to all come out, and then do the reverse bug and easily pot shot them either!