Just a small update:
I'm cleaning the code up, and have to tweak a few things because I'm a huge douche and made the game too hard in some parts.
Don't expect a video or anything. There likely won't be anymore video updates. Don't really need them at this point.
Awesome! Just hope you guys can get your Huey's and Cases All done to go along with this! So when can when do you guys expect this to be out? Mid year?
Keep up the great work!
Outside of more playtesting to de-a$$hole the difficulty and locate any new bugs, all the game needs is optimization. It runs at a steady 30FPS and then shoots back to 60FPS after enemies clear away, meaning I should be able to locate that sweet spot where I fix all the right things and get all the speed ever!!!1123445.
Then, I spend time polishing it and dealing with Sunteam Pauls' 90000 palette images that give me headaches,

The title screen will make you all moist in the pants.
Deep Blue will look like a desert compared to the puddle left behind.