Assuming that its a custom case. I have my doubts. A custom injection mold costs thousands of dollars, and he would likely never recoup his costs.
And Bernie, I don't think you're stupid. But I bought a regular original everdrive, and then ponied up for a SAG "deluxe" super everdrive, and I felt ripped off. It was like an extra $40 for a shell with label, and a universal game case, along with 2 coupons for free firmware upgrades that had pretty stingy expiration dates (both expired long ago). I just don't like SAG. He signs up at various gaming forums to do nothing more than hawk his shit, and his primary sources of income seem to be shitty clone systems, and his profiting off of Krikzz's work with these "upgraded" deluxe versions of the everdrive line. Personally I would rather give my money directly to Krikzz so that he gets all of the profit, rather than buy one from SAG (that he of course got at a wholesale discount) so that he can take some of Krikzz's profit, along with adding some of his own for some stickers and a case. He's a leach who is riding someone else's coat tails. Just my opinion, of course.