The old Sapphire boots were pressed, then BMW bought him out. The new ones he lists now are just CDRs.
So wait, he's now charging %60 more for a CD-R of something than the pressed version cost?
This is why I seriously think we are talking about two different guys here. Whoever made the orriginal Saphires for 30 euros years ago and the dick thats screwing people now. Maybe Fudoh just bought the guy's stuff, took over the website, and went completely stupid and evil afterwards.
I don't know who started this rumor, but it's 100% false. The new Sapphire's are pressed, just like the old ones. I bought a copy a month or two ago, definitely from the new batch (it has a manual). I explicitly asked him if it was pressed, he said it was. Beyond that, the disc has care4data on it. Here's some pics, including one comparing it to SFZ.

My shitty cell phone isn't good enough to capture the care4data, but I promise it is there.