okay, I think I get it. Gotta build a few mock ups first.
Thanks Ark!
yeah, I might be misunderstanding what you intend to do. I hope I am not. I do sort of bad without mockups.
Luckily though, you dont need too many sprites to create platforms and shit for levels.
you figure, the screen is 256 pixels wide... so you'd need 8 sprites to span the screen (32 pixels wide is the largest width you can make a single sprite.. ).
You will obviously need more than 8 sprites for platforming on screen since you will most likely have things like ladders/raised bits/stuff... but
it is not too bad considering you have 64 available, and for a platformer, thats PLENTY. unless you planned on like 50 enemies on screen. I doubt you did.
You also shouldn't need to worry about line-limits, since if you span the screen with the ground all as sprites.. nothing will be at or below the ground. It'll all be on top of it...
if you plan the tiles well, you could lay the base 8 sprites of ground down and leave them there at all times so you never have to figure out if they are there. Then, all the built up stuff can sit on top of it and still look good.
That all depends on your pixel-fu.