That is the way things work around here, right ?
No, sadly that isn't the way things work around here. Even if you totally disagree with whats being said, if it pertains specifically to the topic itself basically, and the mud hasn't been flinging so bad that people are being sent home crying, then its still on target. To try to kick others out simply because you disagree with what they say, because they wont hero worship you, wont fly. This is a bit of a different situation compared to just jumping into like the ebay gouging thread and going out of your way to pick fights with people, then carrying that feud over specifically to FS in the hopes of continuing it.
If you really don't like what someone says, you can always hit ignore, but to be honest, by your own words, you already seemed to be aware that TAS was a hotly debated topic on other forums, so you should have expected some critical responses towards it when starting this thread here too. That does not mean you should not have started the thread though. It's great debate material, and it keeps the forum fresh. Do you realize just how boring every subject would be if every single person agreed on it and no one had differing opinions? Then everyone would basically say the exact same thing. There would be no interesting content to read.
I'm not the one causing sh#t in here, I was trying to move it away from here, I don't see you putting in any effort.
Actually, I kinda tried to take it to a lighthearted approach with a care bear. Dont blame me if you're a Johnny-come-lately
Although I know that you have never and probably will never admit that you're ever wrong, about anything.
Oh, I wouldn't say that exactly. I make mistakes like anyone else. But, I happen to be quite right about you.
This thread isn't the "do you think tas videos are good?" thread, you're completely off topic and just plain badmouthing his work. I don't consider myself above anyone, but I do find your posts to be ruining this thread. I love how when someone posts against what professor believes he labels it as "trolling" but when professor posts against what someone else believes it's "posting with a purpose!"
You post your work like this, you will be open to criticism, same as you would if you posted art in a gallery, or a short story online. Its a bit different posting a speed run involving cheating in gameplay, and going and thread crapping on tech threads like you did. Not actually being critical of the actual work posted, because it was correct to begin with, and you had no way to help improve upon it, but actually just aiming to prevent or discourage others from learning how to do tech work, because of your inflated ego.
What was it, something about you feeling that if someone cant read a sloppy messy schematic like the one you did, then you feel they shouldn't be doing soldering work to begin with, because they will ruin their expensive hardware, and you want to protect their investment, by taking a blow torch to the back of their Nes and carving out a sloppy mouse hole and filling it with a ton of hot glue? Oh, and lets not forget complaining about pics being used as a example for educational purposes, with no names mentioned, and you making a public spectacle of yourself over it, stating you'd never do something like that, only to find out you did exactly that yourself, and worse, by calling people out by name specifically in same lame attempt to trash their rep.
I don't know what darkkobold did in other threads but just because he did it to other members doesn't make it okay for you to do it to him.
This is a odd point to address. I mean, by stating this, that basically means you yourself should have STFU during the Xray event, and prior ones, and any other future conflict that comes to mind, instead of jumping in as you saw fit. You cant pick and choose like that, otherwise it just makes you a hypocrite. And also, I got nothing against him. I have not tossed disparaging remarks towards his family, called him a slew of names, etc. His feud with someone else is exactly that, his feud with someone else. I'm sure he's a big boy too, I doubt he really needs you lamely attempting to rescue him. If nothing else, you are doing him a disservice considering your own rep as it is, in some ways in a effort to make the situation more about yourself and your own shortcomings then about TAS itself and the criticism surrounding it.
In the words of others in this thread, Professor, STFU, please. Or even better, find something positive to post about instead of thread crapping. Your opinion is annoying and could have been worded much more nicely, but you like to prove the internet wrong. I don't see why you're so obsessed with proving your point anyway, did darkkobold hurt your feeling somehow and you feel it's your duty to be annoying in return?
Yeah, bout that, you care to quote every post concerning me where someone had stated STFU? Just because a opinion is annoying to you (because of you're secret admiration/hate thing you have going for me) doesn't make it thread crapping, if its pertinent to the subject matter. You'll just have to learn to deal with others opinions here Drakon, even if you don't like said person, just like how you'll have to learn to deal with the fact that as a modder, your status here is the lowest on the totem pole here possibly, due to the sloppiness of your work, which is sad, because you have the smarts.
If it makes you feel any better, you can always go back to your own forum and verbally trash others work again, calling them out by name, knowing full well more likely then not said people will never see you talking shit about them behind their back. Or you could suck it up, practice harder, and put out some real quality stuff on a consistent basis instead of ragging on others work in a effort to make you feel better about your own shortcomings. You could also learn to bite your tongue and learn to accept peoples advice in said work a little better. It will help prevent you from being banished from yet another forum.
The irony being you yourself are a over-opinionated troll who has been banned from another forum and had to even be dealt with here by some members because your ego got too big.
I continue to stand behind that statement.
DarkKobold, please keep making Turbo TAS videos. They're interesting, and people will watch them. Just not the Professor, apparently.
Myself and others, yeah, but hey, lets keep pretending the forum is made up entirely only of 7 people, and one of them is me, and the other 6 totally disagree with me on every level.