Author Topic: How many of your speak / read Japanese  (Read 1073 times)


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Re: How many of your speak / read Japanese
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2012, 07:26:25 PM »
Passed that JLPT1, baby.

I wanted to be a translator. Then I tried it and saw how boring the lifestyle is, so I went back to being a teacher. The downside is that I speak English all day, so I'm not as sharp as I was when I passed the JLPT, but at least I work for myself and I love what I do.


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Re: How many of your speak / read Japanese
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2012, 07:28:36 PM »


I studied Japanese a bit in university (okay, 6 semesters) after getting an opportunity to try it out in high school but I don't even want to think about how much my "skills" have dropped since then. I've got no time (or motivation, lol) to study in my free time but I try to keep the understanding-what-the-shit-people are-saying-skills up by watching anime raws and laserdiscs :P Oh and playing games. Though, my kanji-reading ability have dropped so hard it's not even funny. Actually, I should be watching news reports and dramas/live action instead but that's boring.

With all that said, I haven't been to Japan and really should go but I'm so afraid of flying (though I love aircraft) that this seems sort of impossible at the moment. Having someone to practice speaking the language with would be great. I have some friends from back when I studied but no one lives really close.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 07:31:00 PM by Ji-L87 »
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Re: How many of your speak / read Japanese
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2012, 07:36:24 PM »
Actually sometimes  Google translate is not that accurate with the Japanese.   

It's still better at translation than me ;-)


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Re: How many of your speak / read Japanese
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2012, 08:36:03 PM »
Passed that JLPT1, baby.

gongrats dude :) I'm probably far away from passing the 1kyū, mostly due to the lack of kanjis, lol.
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Re: How many of your speak / read Japanese
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2012, 08:53:18 PM »
Lived in Japan for 8 years and can speak fluently and read/write pretty well. I started studying on my own in high school and ended up getting a degree in the language. I work as a translator, just finished translating a document a few minutes ago actually! Gotta get up early and do another one. I quite enjoy translating although and I feel it helps keep my Japanese and English writing up.


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Re: How many of your speak / read Japanese
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2012, 09:16:03 PM »
It's not so much of an of course. I know peeps being here even longer and they can't barely speak, let alone write stuff.

It is a matter of course, because I didn't write "10 year living in Japan and I am also a culturally insensitive dumbass".
That's pretty much what I think of Westerners who come here and never seem to learn the language. Don't care how old they are. They need to get out of their bubble, or quit relying on their Japanese spouse to do everything for them. Sure, I've met these people, and pretended to be nice to them, but sorry, honestly I have nothing but contempt for the ignoramouses you speak of.


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Re: How many of your speak / read Japanese
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2012, 01:11:09 AM »
Assuming everyone who lives in a country not of their origin who does not speak the language well, or at all, to be an culturally insensitive dumbass, if that is indeed your assumption, is very harsh.

Some people live in other countries for all kinds of reasons, and not everyone is adept at learning that language. If a person can "get away" with making themselves understood using another laguage than the one locally used, i see nothing wrong with that. Not everyone has the same ability to pick up a new language like you do kazekirifx.


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Re: How many of your speak / read Japanese
« Reply #22 on: June 05, 2012, 04:21:48 AM »
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 05:02:29 PM by BlueBMW »
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Re: How many of your speak / read Japanese
« Reply #23 on: June 05, 2012, 10:51:17 AM »
Studied Japanese for 4 years in high school and 3 years in college. Then I didn't use it for 12 years and forgot most of it  : )
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Re: How many of your speak / read Japanese
« Reply #24 on: June 05, 2012, 11:09:17 AM »
Zero chickenscratch language skills here and zero effort put in to learning it.
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Re: How many of your speak / read Japanese
« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2012, 01:53:54 PM »
Assuming everyone who lives in a country not of their origin who does not speak the language well, or at all, to be an culturally insensitive dumbass, if that is indeed your assumption, is very harsh.

You missed an important point there. I've been here over 9 years. Indeed, if I was saying that anyone who can't pick up the language in a half a year is a dumbass, then that would certainly be a little harsh.

Not everyone has the same ability to pick up a new language like you do kazekirifx.

Yes. Not everyone has the same amazing ability to learn a language after being immersed in it for 9 years. Guess I must just be super-intelligent or something.

In all seriousness, yes I'm kind of an a$$hole. But in all honesty I have to say that I am kind of disgusted every time I meet a foreigner who's lived in Japan over 5 years or so and can still hardly speak Japanese. I know not everyone is naturally good at picking up languages, but I just can't understand why anyone would want to continue living here without being able to speak the local language. It would be so limiting...

Incidentally, I also know a guy who never studied Japanese formally in a classroom a day of his life, but speaks/reads/writes excellently after living here 4 years. 4 years is pretty long, granted, but it just goes to show that classroom learning isn't necessarily essential. Each person learns in their own way.


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Re: How many of your speak / read Japanese
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2012, 02:08:41 PM »
I never did any classroom learning as well, that's why I suck at Sure I can read quite a lot of 'em, but when it comes to hand writing I'm uberlost. Sure using a PC & keitai every day for 8hrs plus, doesn't help a lot in that departement.
It's just like using a calculator for the past 25 years and forgot all about mental math.

But speaks/reads/writes excellently after 4 years is amazing tho. to some it's just dropped in their laps.
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Re: How many of your speak / read Japanese
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2012, 02:17:22 PM »
Yeah, I'm the same here, Tatsujin. Can't write kanji for crap since I use a PC/phone all day. If I need to write by hand I usually need a PC or phone in front of me in order to look up kanji.


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Re: How many of your speak / read Japanese
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2012, 04:33:54 PM »
The only western gaijin I've ever met who can write kanji by hand at something like an adult level are people who teach Japanese to other foreigners. For everyone else, there's not enough demand. These days, I can write my address from memory, but not a whole lot more.


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Re: How many of your speak / read Japanese
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2012, 07:15:14 PM »
I can read some romaji but that's about it.