Assuming everyone who lives in a country not of their origin who does not speak the language well, or at all, to be an culturally insensitive dumbass, if that is indeed your assumption, is very harsh.
You missed an important point there. I've been here over 9 years. Indeed, if I was saying that anyone who can't pick up the language in a half a year is a dumbass, then that would certainly be a little harsh.
Not everyone has the same ability to pick up a new language like you do kazekirifx.
Yes. Not everyone has the same amazing ability to learn a language after being immersed in it for 9 years. Guess I must just be super-intelligent or something.
In all seriousness, yes I'm kind of an a$$hole. But in all honesty I have to say that I am kind of disgusted every time I meet a foreigner who's lived in Japan over 5 years or so and can still hardly speak Japanese. I know not everyone is naturally good at picking up languages, but I just can't understand why anyone would want to continue living here without being able to speak the local language. It would be so limiting...
Incidentally, I also know a guy who never studied Japanese formally in a classroom a day of his life, but speaks/reads/writes excellently after living here 4 years. 4 years is pretty long, granted, but it just goes to show that classroom learning isn't necessarily essential. Each person learns in their own way.