Author Topic: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?  (Read 1183 times)


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Re: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2012, 04:19:48 AM »
Sounds like California.  Living in a country smaller then that one state alone helps I'm sure. :)
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Re: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2012, 10:16:11 AM »
I don't think its possible to get a $35 power bill in the US. The service fees and shit alone are almost that.


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Re: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2012, 11:19:30 AM »
I've got mine down to $35/mo in the spring and summer here in Minnesota. I switched my bulbs over to LEDs/CFLs, started using my laptop instead of my desktop, and hang-dry most of my clothes rather than using the electric dryer (keeps 'em black). Needless to say, we barely ever turn on the AC.
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Re: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2012, 02:57:49 PM »
I didn't mean to open up a can of worms on the power thing. The point i meant to make was i did not need one more thing contributing to the power bill on top of everything else we have going on. i was just to lazy at the time to explain. everyone's power bill varies depending on how many people, what you got running, what state you live in etc..........dont think that because you have a $35 dollar bill does not mean i should to :)

The amount of power a crt uses does vary greatly. the last one i owned was a heat factory and kept my air conditioner running constantly in our relativly small place. Lcd fixed the problem.


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Re: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2012, 04:29:53 PM »
Just for the hell of it I just measured the actual power consumption of two Sony TV's I have. One is an 32" LCD, one is a 34" CRT. Both have all sorts of HD circuitry in them. The LCD certainly has a "light and airy" feel to it wheras the CRT is 200lbs and puts out heat for sure.

KD-34XBR960 CRT: 105W

So...16W. Nothing to write home about. Keep in mind this CRT set is, more or less, as monstrous and feature laden as any CRT you are going to find.

For the fun of it I also measured the power consumption of the 19" CRT I have out on the porch that I only use for watching CED.

Shitty old CRT: 50W.

Power consumption is a huge deal these days. Everything is amazingly efficient. This Macbook I'm typing on only has a 60W power supply! That's entire computer, so when you are playing Starcraft and burning a DVD and charging the battery with the screen and keyboard lit to full brightness it still isn't going to use more than 60W.

What pisses me off is my Comcast cable box. The power supply for that thing uses 14W, the same as a PCE Duo (more, really since the PCE only uses that much when the drive is seeking) all by itself, even with the cable box not attached to it. This is easily fixed since any modern PSU will use zero when not in use know, f*ck Comcast. When you think of how many millions of subscribers they have, all using 14W per TV in their house 24/7...a$$holes.

Where I work we are helping to develop a slightly (and I mean slightly) different version of a very common mainstream road car engine. The OEM is kicking in a couple million to develop this version just to save increase efficiency by (hopefully) %3. The entire savings, greenhouse gas-wise, from this program won't even touch what Comcast is wantonly pissing away just because they didn't want to pay $0.01 more for a PSU with a switch in it.


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Re: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2012, 03:23:22 AM »
With so many versions of so many consoles and so many TVs the "compatibility" matrix would be f*cking enormous. I can only tell you exactly which model of TV works with which system based on my personal experience, and the chances of you owning that combination are very small since most TVs are on the market for only a year or two.

If you are thinking that such and such a brand is going to be routinely compatible/incompatible with certain doesn't work that way.

All you can do is try.

I was looking for if there was some well known compatibility issue. Not every single little thing that might happen. Like the Samsung/Neo Geo issues. Naturally i too realize people cant very well list every little compatibility issue on every single tv screen out there. Again, sometimes there are known big issues with known hardware. I was asking for any of those scenarios.


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Re: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2012, 10:54:37 AM »
the comcast issue is 2 fold
its a crap supply
its an always on system (for subscription management reasons)


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Re: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2012, 04:12:52 AM »
With so many versions of so many consoles and so many TVs the "compatibility" matrix would be f*cking enormous. I can only tell you exactly which model of TV works with which system based on my personal experience, and the chances of you owning that combination are very small since most TVs are on the market for only a year or two.

Even better - some models have multiple chassis revisions within the same year of production.

For the fun of it I also measured the power consumption of the 19" CRT I have out on the porch that I only use for watching CED.

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Re: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?
« Reply #23 on: June 18, 2012, 04:18:18 AM »
Sounds like California.  Living in a country smaller then that one state alone helps I'm sure. :)

What ELSE do you do in your house besides use two piddly, barely power-eating monitors?

I bet if I ran all my stuff I run daily in your Japanhouse, you'd have blown fuses or a huge ass power bill. 

That is assuming I can fit all my stuff in your house.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2012, 05:01:04 AM »


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Re: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?
« Reply #25 on: June 18, 2012, 06:48:43 AM »
This is one of the most odd derailings ive seen of a thread so far...


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Re: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?
« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2012, 09:25:29 AM »
Edit: I'm taking this hardware discussion to some other place, carry on.

I'm borrowing this thread for a bit.

I just picked up another DVD recorder and ran my Duo through it, letting it output the image as progressive. I used Galaxy Fraulein 2 as a test disc (since that is my most problematic game and only likes to work on CRT TVs and one of my scaler's two game modes). It actually performed pretty well, with proper flicker where appropriate and no artefacts in an especially taxing scene with a big green laser beam and explosions (my Bravia LCD hates this part).

However, the image is somewhat shaky. Game mode 1 on my scaler yields about the same result. Could this be a sync issue of some kind? I maybe ought to take this to the hardware section but since we had a thread here about PCE & LCD issues, I thought I'd ask.

My test setup goes like this:

Duo-R (composite out) -> Panasonic DMR-E65 DVD Recorder (component progressive) -> DVDO VP30 with ABT102 card (HDMI) -> LCD TV 

The reason why I wanted to run my PCE through a DVD recorder is because the comb filter in the scaler isn't all that good.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 11:13:41 PM by Ji-L87 »
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Re: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?
« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2012, 02:09:16 PM »
CRT is superior to lcd with the old systems,

CRT is the standard, that all videogames should display on. If a videogame system is unable to run on a CRT and look great, then they screwed up somehow. I think a person from India, did a comparison with a 360 and a regular television, and found the graphics to be no differnt then a PS2.

The flat fact is that nobody would care if flatscreens never became popular and was forced on us. All of you are probably looking at -500 stuff that is more then 50 inches high. Thinking "hey I can afford it". Well I think to myself, in the stupid future world, where idiots have PID inside their hands, they will be watching televisions on their wrist watches.

I remember the good days, when a television, was based on hardware support. I remember being in the stores, and browsing. They even had that television that was in Baret's bar from FF7 ( a curved, projector type??? ). The biggest ones had scale lines like no tommorow but they also had bigger ones with no scale lines. Honestly, we had a system that was perfect. If you had the extra 50,000 then you could buy a flatscreen bigger then an entire wall, otherwise you got a 60 incher, where you could watch five inch television.

Videogames where never meant to be played on the worlds biggest television, or anything other mumbo jumbo. They are meant for RF, composite, and if your special then RGB. The PCE with CD unit all have regular composite, and that is that.

Also, at one time I had a really bad CRT, but it showed a big picture, but it was kinda blurry, up close. I had replaced that with a 20 " CRT, and the picture was sharp. Remember they would have an ultimate gaming television, equip with sound for -200 dollars? That thing was like a 10 " joke, a prick of a television. If the people who sell games felt that we the consumers were so stupid, then it should not really matter.

Then only people buying flatscreens are the ones who have uppity freinds, who thinks if a, born five minutes ago, piece of crap is wraped up, with a bow tie then it must be worth an entire months pay.


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Re: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2012, 02:20:41 PM »
Most people are extremely happy with LCD. They like being able to relocate the set from one side of the room to the other without having to hire piano movers. TVs in general are also much less expensive than they used to be. My grandparents payed $600 for a 26" in could buy a new Oldsmobile for $6000 back then so $600 was a lot of cash.


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Re: Modern LCD screens and PC Engine Duo-R, compatibility issues?
« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2012, 04:59:12 PM »
well said zeta.
but in this case i think the best point is that the lcd sets are not as good for fast action, and replaed working CRT sets more often then not