Ya, I'll work on it a bit tonight, I'll need some more information from you about the serial port data and how the card expects the upload gameof, if you've got a skype that would be a great way to discuss, just PM me, e-mail me, or post it here. In the mean time, I'll start writing up removing the header, fixing 384KB roms, and the bit swap.
That is an awesome bit of detective work, ConHuevos !! Maybe this is also something that can be added to the PC software: To automatically format the 384K games correctly, before initiating the download.
Quote from: ccovell on April 25, 2012, 01:51:20 PMDid you test this out with 3Mbit and 6Mbit hu-card games? IIRC, they have an odd way of mapping their banks. If you can give me any specific game titles, I can give them a try. It sounds like if there is an issue, that it could be addressed by an update of the PC software. There is enough flexibility in the existing communication protocol for placing a gap (or gaps) in where the rom code is located in the flash memory of the HuCard.
Did you test this out with 3Mbit and 6Mbit hu-card games? IIRC, they have an odd way of mapping their banks.
You know for that r-tard who goes like "oh something retro, let me put down my vabagelina, stop drinking my cheeze wine, and get to playing".
Uhm... guess you forgot about this issue in the other thread 2 months ago: I just got the flash card today and though the COM port seems to be mapping fine (COM4), the software again times out... (on my Win XP SP2 machine.) Time to try with a Windows 7 machine...
I just felt in a hole!
I thought they already had programs like this on the NeoFlash page, lol.Or maybe I am hallucinating.