The NES game is as good as it, get. They tried to update it, but
Ninja Gaiden belongs with Battle Taods, Double Dragon, and the Techo's Downtown series.
I will admit back then, it was a hassle, to play the game, but eventually you discover all the hiding spots. Sometimes, you have to just take hits to move on, or else. I think the farthest I ever got was the moutain stage, and then I got so tired of dying, I just stopped. The moutain stage I am referencing is after the double hamsters, pass the green soilder, including the lighting man and his brother ( did he have a brother ). I still have my original cart, ready to play, in my official or unofficial NES.
Double Dragon was probably the only game to recieve a respectable
place on the PCE. However even that said, I still enjoy the NES games.
If things were a differnt way, then Shin Mega Tensi would have been released on the PCE, but then we wouldn't have the same representation,
Why couldn't they just release the same exact game on the system, and make a port or two. Then it would have been perfect. Oh I forget the PCE was expensiver to produce. So expensive people in China are still rocking NES today.
Honestly I am not feeling the PCE version of Ninja Gaiden. It is just as fun, as the NES, but something is missing. You can't, double
jump your way to the ceiling, in level two when you get the power up the last enemy is able to slightly hit you. In fact that is how you get across level two ( the level after the prison, holding cell ), you get an invicibility, and then later an airial slash ( that circle slash jump ),
which makes you able to pass some enemies. Also the boss enemies are smaller, along with some of the stuff. The AI has improved slightly.