I was lucky enough to pick up a TurboGrafx cab today from a craigslist deal. Huge thanks to xele for the help moving this thing! Anyway, the whole experience was pretty awesome.
I thought the seller was quite a character, but I'm probably basing that entirely on his mustache. I asked about other TG marquees or TG/PCE hardware he might have lying around. Turns out the guy has a laseractive! He didn't seem to want to let it go though, and I don't blame him. Anyway, as far as history on this cab goes, apparently it was a Galaga '88 cab converted for United Artist movie theaters. I
think the guy said at one time he had two jamma tg's (actually I think he said PCE), but I'm not sure. Anyway, some pics:
Open cabinet:
Galaga sticker:
Coin mechanism:
Random wires I don't understand. Presumably video and audio are somewhere in here:
Way up in the cab. Power supply and some other stuff?
I'd really like to get this thing up and running again. Presumably my first goal is to figure out the wiring inside the cab so I can make a jamma harness for it?