Save me some packing effort and you can have both items below for $185 shipped ($15 off).TG16 Super System Card 3.0 - $160 ShippedOverall in pretty nice shape. There is some yellowing on the case and the manual has a little smudge on the back (seen in the picture). Also, this must've come from the house of a smoker, since there is a smoke scent to the card. Tested and works.

Gate of Thunder - $40 ShippedIn pretty nice shape, comes with all 3 manuals which have minimal creasing. Again, there is some yellowing on the case and the game has a smokey odor to it. Tested and worked with the 3.0 system card.

Feel free to send me a PM. I would like this stuff gone before the weekend. If no one is interested by Sunday, I'll probably post this stuff somewhere else. Thanks!