Update on the IBM BS. After a month of going live, this thing hasn't worked out at all especially when it comes to doing statements. Since the company I'm working for is a CO OP, you would think this software would cover and do everything management wants and more right? Wrong, the supposed "interface" with our old Eagle, SSI and cartrol it only took HALF of our customers over into the new system and the ones it did bring over it DIDN'T bring over the signatures which is very important to our credit department. To top things off, a big portion of the cartrol data (transactions) were completely lost to antiquity. Mark off another $10,000+ in transactions that will never come back. Second, our agronomy department is on SSI so when they moved their invoices over some people got double charge and some people didn't get moved over because their account numbers were too long for this IBM crap to read. Take another $20,000 lost in transactions. Good news on the SSI stuff though, its still on the old system but they just can't bill them out so all is not completely lost. Finally, our retail stuff and petro had yet another similar issue with the customer transactions not going completely over on the other side. Not sure on the total loss on this is, but its easily in the $100s of thousands of dollars. Bottom line, under no circumstances do you let a dumb redneck accountant and Grain guy do ANY IT decisions, its just going to bite you in the arse in the end. Oh yeah, did I mention we had to buy $10,000 worth of printers just so they can work with this system because it doesn't like anything at all except Lexmark printers? Ugh.