In hindsight with the success of the Genesis and the Altered Beast pack-in, Legendary Axe definitely makes the most sense. NEC was looking at the past success of Nintendo's pack-in instead, and probably underestimated SEGA at the time considering the PC Engine was trouncing the Mega Drive back in Japan.
My problem as a kid with Keith is the game you buy is not the game you play. The box looks like some epic hack and slash with a muscular, Conan-esque warrior (like your Rastans, Rygars or Wizard and Warriors) but instead you're this slow, spikey haired dude, and then you're in a mech suit. The false advertising really just emphasized what the game WASN'T rather than what the game really was, which is a fun but eccentric little action platformer.
Correct, LA is not a perfect pack-in either.
In 1989, let's say by April...I don't know if there really was an absolutely perfect, killer pack-in.
R-Type — frustrating for average player. Name recognition! A draw for shootemup fans, but also not a NEW game (it was out on SMS).
Blazing Lazers — definitely a contender. Looks great, difficulty ramps up more forgivingly than R-Type. Certainly has a FRESH, NEW shine unlike an old R-Type...