I've bought 64 games in just over a month.....
And that's why some guys don't deal with new comers - it's common that someone will jump aboard the PCE train, amass an insta-collection, never play much of anything, and then sell it all a month later when they move on to the next shiny thing. I'm not saying that it'll happen to you, but it does happen all too often.
So the thought behind it is, we dont want to sell it, because you in turn might sell it? No offense but that is completely ass-backward hypocritical for a SELLER not to want to SELL because the buyer might SELL it later!?
I m just saying thats its all these little "rules" like this that make it prohibitive for members to join/participate in these forums, especially considering the 2 most active forums on any classic board are usually the B/S/T and Mod/Repair boards. And it'll keep these boards closed off and dying as the "elders" leave one by one.
Heck, I was posting my want to buys on another board in the first place when a member from here was all "You know this is the ### board, you should post this on the PCEFX boards", only for me to come here and be shunned/ignored.
I'm a classic gamer of MANY systems (from the 2600 to the PS3), but I cant "prove" to anyone aside from my game collection, which will of course be attacked with snide "Yeah, but you'll just sell it" remarks. Nor do I feel the need to post a couple hundred comments, which would realistically takes months (or more) to do unless you are encouraging members to spam each thread with comments like "Yeah!", "Me too!", "That's Great!" ( because you know
THAT means they're dedicated.
), just so I can have the
privilege to PAY someone for their game? Well then its off to the other boards and ebay, where I dont have to prove the size of my wang in order to participate.
I love the TG and will still be here on the discussion boards, but when all you see is:
Check out this translated manual!
You cant have it, you are not "Elder" enough...Buy this game!
PM ignored Game still available!
PM ignored again.
Buy my adaptor!
You have to have an elder vouch for you, provides voucher,
still ignored...Its petty, childish, and elitist. and paints a very clear picture that my money is "no good here".