The turbo version?
Look, uhm the PCE version is the best out of all versions, however each game system has their own taste, including the Mega Drive. I own a PCE, so duh I am going to say the PCE version. I couldn't even bare to play the SNES game anymore after the PCE, and the MD has that 1980's overtone to it.
blah blah blah remakes, are for the children, the youth, who thinks like oh wow, pi system cool resolution, and all of that rubbish. I am using a real 20" television screen,
with what the 1990's had to offer for a regular consumers. The hell, I need that stuff, the same could be said to all of the pre-rendered art of the late generation games before they switched to 2d.
Somehow RPG and Halloween are just ways to sneak in DAD and Midevil undertones.
Especially nowadays, and the fact, that some in game characters are designed to replicate 1980's puppets, and stop motion characters.
What makes me displeasing about the SNES game, is the wolf attack scene, but that is made up for the art of the fourtune teller. It is like in Slayers, try where the statue of the badguy from the first film started to dance around.
Y's 3 was sappose to be last game, in the series ( even after Y's 4 PCE, Y's 4, and Y's 5, etc and that is it's purpose. Lets go back to Dogi's stomping grounds meet his ole gal, and save some villagers.