Why do you think their is not a four? :-"
Two was completely off the hook, I will agree ( especially with topless dino-mamas ), but three was more of a gimick. It was fun as well, but I believe the SNES is also probably fault of that. They were not thinking in terms of a fun game, but more in terms of young children?
The same probably occured with Y's 4 SFC. Which is totally bdsm by Y's 4 PCE.
Then Y's 5 comes along and everybody says it is too easy
So they made a second Y's 5. The complete reversal of FF4 ( or was it FF5? ).
I know, I hate when something cool, totaly goes commercial. I so want to check out that "South Park RPG" but alas I do not even know what it feels like to own a PS3, and I certainly do not want to feel like what it is to own a 360.