Author Topic: Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?  (Read 1976 times)


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Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?
« on: July 06, 2012, 07:06:25 AM »
Similar to Sadlers LA/LT poll: assuming you already have a Duo or whatever to OBEY with, would you rather add a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX to the collection?  My vote is (and was) for the PC-FX and its larger library of games.
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Black Tiger

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Re: Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2012, 07:26:23 AM »
Although the PC-FX has a better library, I know from experience owning both and PCE systems and games, that I've played my SuperGrafx more than my PC-FX, even with an iso collection of PC-FX games. If I had to give one up, the PC-FX would go first as it doesn't feel as cool or as much a part of the PCE as the SuperGrafx does. Even with multiple CD setups, it would be cool to get a Super CD2 for my SuperGrafx.

So I'd rather have a SuperGrafx, but objectively the PC-FX is much better and there is no comparison really.

I like the PC-FX and think it's great, but I'd also rather have a 32X first. But that ties into my love of the Genesis, just as I like the SGX because of the PCE.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 07:29:07 AM by Black Tiger »

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Re: Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2012, 07:48:18 AM »
SuperGrafx for me, for similar reasons sited above. I.e. even though the PC-FX has a larger games library, I would seldom play any of them, and despite already owning a PCE Huey/CD setup, if I had a SuperGrafx this would become my main PCE gaming station.


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Re: Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2012, 07:59:17 AM »
PC-FX if I were to go for a "history off" type collection. It was the true next (and last) step of the brand.

SuperGrafx just cause I like DaiMakaimura and Madou OUUUUuu GranSNORT and it looks like H.R. Giger designed it. Novelty item basically.


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Re: Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2012, 08:02:23 AM »
SuperGrafx to be honest got a pc-fx here and apart form 3 games don't play it and those games ain't nothing worth owning the machine for shame.

its a cool looking machine on my desk tho but the supergrafx thing looks cooler.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 08:04:03 AM by fraggore »
I always wanted a thing called tuna sashemie

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Re: Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2012, 08:13:23 AM »
PC-FX.  Been trying to find one for awhile at non-rape prices but the rape just keeps showing up where ever I go...
Gredler: spread her legs and push her down to make her more lively<br>***<br>majors: You used to be the great man, this icon we all looked up to and now your just a pico collecting 'tard...oh, how the mighty have fallen...<br>***<br>_joshuaTurbo: Sex, Lies, Rape and Arkhan. A TurboGrafx love story


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Re: Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2012, 08:28:12 AM »
PC-FX.  Been trying to find one for awhile at non-rape prices but the rape just keeps showing up where ever I go...

Have you talked to Beemer?


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Re: Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2012, 10:56:16 AM »
PC-FX if it could run windows 3.1/9x utility programs at least, The PC-FX seems like a such a waste for a system. It is like a minurature monument, to a series of comic adventures, that at one time, people would buy in the millions. I miss those days, when we would go threw questions and tasks, just to get her naked, and into her. However I am part of virtual abusive crybabies.

The PC-FX also can be installed, into a DOS machine or even any "PC" related machine. That being said with all the emulators out their, NEC pretty much just destroyed their chances at having any future in the primary console race. Like the so many arcades filled with card games, in Japan, of forgotten youth love ( back in 1995, taking a girl to the arcades was a cool spot to chil ) NEC built the original PCE so god damn perfect, it lasted into 1996......I mean shit, what a way to go.

I do not even know what NEC was sniffing when they decided to combine the PCE
and CD unit into one system, make a new system based of the Turbografx design, along with simular name, and then make a mini-PC system and dedicate it. comic adventures but dating games. Then SEGA comes along and, decides to give NEC the chance to intergrate into the Dreamcast.

Just looking at the forum, title bar, makes you think "dammit they just released a game system, that is disguised as a computer" NEC just did the PCE backwards when they did the PC-FX. Then they have specific rules for what could and could not be on the system? FEOEIII was canned and was released as FEOEIV instead.

When you think about it, the PCE is really just a computer disguised as a game system.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 12:07:31 PM by RegalSin »


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Re: Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2012, 11:16:10 AM »
I went with the Supergrafx as well.  As much as I covet the PC-FX, it seems there aren't too many non-moonspeak friendly games for the system.  The Supergrafx has 1941, Aldynes and Daimakamukypookee, which I'd play.

Black Tiger

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Re: Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2012, 11:16:13 AM »
Backwards compatibiliy keeps systems like SuperGrafx and the 32X hooked up longer and more often. Having to drag out a PC-FX and other systems I don't play as often helps keep their use as infrequent.

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Re: Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2012, 11:35:14 AM »
As much as I shit on the FX (which is just like shitting on a big pile of shit that already has too much shit on it) it's pathetic library is slightly more likely to be played than that of the SGX.

The SGX would get played MORE, sure, but %99.9 of the time it's being played it would be running non-SGX software that I can already run without it.


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Re: Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2012, 11:43:59 AM »
I don't really know the FX library, but from what I've seen there's maybe 3 games that I'd enjoy on it. Despite having only 5 "true" titles, I think the Supergrafx library has more games that I'd enjoy. Either way, I have a Supergrafx and no FX, so I guess that answers the question. I would like to get an FX eventually though.


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Re: Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2012, 01:49:00 PM »
I have a Supergrafx and no FX, so I guess that answers the question. I would like to get an FX eventually though.



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Re: Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2012, 03:10:11 PM »
Yeah I would choose the Super Grafx why, because it looks cool 8)


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Re: Would you rather have a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX?
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2012, 04:38:54 PM »
Yeah I would choose the Super Grafx why, because it looks cool 8)

PC-FX looks cool too. Mini tower with the CD drive nestled in on the top. Yeah, that's sweet shit there. =P~