Sorry for the late reply; for some reason my notifications were turned off.

To clarify my vague estimate:
It will take about 2 to 4 months to go from the start of the Prototyping Phase to having Cases and Trays ready to sell.
I should have written it like that in the first place...

might need to sell the first batch for more than a dollar each. I am open to that suggestion, but will try to avoid it, if it is at all possible.
Sales are picking up a bit, but I still need to earn just over a grand.

I recently moved back to the APT, and took a bunch of the Sleeves, boxes, and all of my Games, Systems, Books and so on, with me.
When I run low on Boxes or Sleeves, I can just get more from the Warehouse.
I cancelled the Landline Phone and Internet Services @ the Warehouse, emptied and turned off the fridge, and drained and turned off the Water Heater.
I set the AC to 79 degrees (F) and set the dehumidifier to 48%.
I did this so I could save some money, and add it to the Prototyping Goal.
It's kind of depressing, moving back in with my folks, but hey, whatever works, eh?