Here's a thread for some personal navel gazing and braggadocio of my leet gaming skillz, along with my worthless thoughts about each game (unlike runin, my thoughts really are worthless). The goal is to clear a game every two weeks or so, but we'll see how that goes when I run out of the easy stuff.
Clear #1 - The Legend of Xanadu
To belatedly start the ball rolling ('twas finished just before the end of the June), it's teh LoX! This is a fantastic adventurey rpg that any fan of the Ys games should take a look at; it's cutscenes are amongst the best you'll find on the PCE, the music is pretty good (though mostly chip tunes and not red book), the puzzles are plentiful and tricky but not frustratingly so, and the side scrolling bits and boss fights are absolutely beautiful. Just one word of warning for those that find moon runes incomprehensible (like me): it's a bit hard to get started out, but the pace picks up considerably once you learn the ropes; I suggest starting with
blueraven's walkthrough to get you started with minimal fuss and consulting it (whenever it's finished) or the one at mindrec when you get stuck (it
will happen).