Hi everyone, I recently bought New Adventure Island. It came with the box, in what I have to assume is the original shrink-wrap. The shrink-wrap is 'crisp' for the lack of a better word. It's cracked in spots and seems like it's melted in other spots. Overall I think the box is in fine shape considering it's age.
Anyway, I noticed the residue from some sticker glue on the front. I'm assuming there was probably a price sticker there at one point. What really has me curious though is this orange sticker on the side. It's actually on the box underneath the shrink wrap. So if the shrink-wrap is original, then how did this sticker get under it? Does 3112 have some sort of significance? Is it Hudson Soft's factory inventory label? I'm not a box collector so I don't know anything about factory stickers.
I'm curious to know if anyone has any info on this or has seen anything similar on a box they've come across. I find the history of TG-16 fascinating so I'm wondering if there is any history behind this.
Here is the orange sticker/decal;

Here's the front. You can see the round sticker residue in the top right corner.