Author Topic: Have my cat wrecked a DuoR?  (Read 203 times)


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Have my cat wrecked a DuoR?
« on: December 25, 2005, 10:42:44 AM »
My recently purchased PC Engine Duo R just doesn't work as it's supposed to anymore. It all started with me picking it apart to clean it. Since I collect videogameunits this is fairly standard for me and I have probably done this 60 or more times. This time was slightly different though. My crazy ass cat just had to run past my workingplace one time too many and the CD-unit had a close encounter with the floor.

I shrugged and picked it up but now that I've reassembled the unit, the CD wont work. More specifically it doesn't spinn CDs when I activate it. I have checked every part that I can and everything does work, the sled, the laser, the motor that spins the disc, everything works, just not together as they are supposed to. The question is then, have my cat wrecked the entire unit or is it just something simple like the laser being knocked out of alignment? I would really like an answer to this.


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Have my cat wrecked a DuoR?
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2005, 08:37:59 AM »
In my haste to get some help I apparently posted this in the wrong section. Sorry about that.