Author Topic: Hypothetical: Let's say you find a sealed Magical Chase at a store you worked...  (Read 1136 times)


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A bit of topc but there is def value fir sealed stuff.. Esp if U bought it that way.  In my example, I hunted for bazzy forever, but found 2 sealled copied which I paid a lot for.  I held out and finally this year I found a minty opened one for 160 (still not cheap), but it allows me to not have had to ruin the value (which I paid for) for the original sealed one, which is now up for sale :). The 1st one went to Necro who quickly unvirgined it.. That rough man!!  Lol


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I wasn't saying current job this or that (if outside the topic), or corporate upper management/executive level types, I was simply saying if one worked at a retail job. Stay on-topic. Thank you! -_-

Hahaha... Your weird

But sure I would buy it as I would be such an awesome employee 1 strike against me would not get me fired  8)
Also for the people that do work in retail you don't get paid enough, dealing with the public everyday & know it all managers, I salute you.


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I'd put it behind the counter and tell my manager "hey I'm buying that. once my shift is over"

If he has a problem with it, id be like "fine, I quit, ring me out!"

then I'd go home, film myself unsealing it, rip the box just a little for added laughs, and play it for about 10 minutes before I go

"f*ck, this game's kind of boring but it looks really nice.  I'd rather play Cotton or Spriggan Mk. 2".
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

I'm a max level Forum Warrior.  I'm immortal.
If you're not ready to defend your claims, don't post em.


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I would do exactly what Arkhan said but instead I would play Air Zonk and Blazing Lazers.


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If the price was good, I'd hide it and buy it later (like Sparks said, good employees generally aren't fired over such piddly shit) or have a friend run over and buy it for me.

Why destroy a sealed copy because you don't want it? It has value to someone else, who'd be (probably) more than willing to make it worth your while to exchange it for an already opened one. Or even if it was a 1:1 trade, you helped a fellow collector, and got what you wanted: an opened copy of magical chase. Think of others!

Why?  Because f*ck collector goobers.  I play games, and I don't care one little bit about guys that just want to spend money.
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Why?  Because f*ck collector goobers.  I play games, and I don't care one little bit about guys that just want to spend money.

So...if someone offered you an open/complete MC plus $500 in exchange for your sealed copy, you'd rather open your sealed version?

Really, I'm not a fan of sealed collectors either, but you'd be an idiot to not jump on that.


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So...if someone offered you an open/complete MC plus $500 in exchange for your sealed copy, you'd rather open your sealed version?

Really, I'm not a fan of sealed collectors either, but you'd be an idiot to not jump on that.

Call me an idiot if you want, but I'd never buy something and sit on it waiting for such an offer to come along.  Especially not if I got the game for cheap already - I already got a sweet deal, so just how greedy do I need to be?
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Samurai Ghost

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Of course! It's one of the perks of working at a game store, sniping some awesome deals.

For example, my buddy worked at this game store years ago and some guy brought in his TG-16 with working CDROM2 system and adapter, hook-ups, controller, and a stack of games. Asked how much he could get for it all, and the store would only give them $12 since he didn't have the System Card. The guy was obviously not happy, but my buddy was like, "Hey, I'll give you $20 for it." "OK." "Meet me outside."


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Ahhh the good old cost benefit analysis...
Manuals needed: Airzonk
hu: MC, PCE: Zero Wing


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Call me an idiot if you want, but I'd never buy something and sit on it waiting for such an offer to come along.  Especially not if I got the game for cheap already - I already got a sweet deal, so just how greedy do I need to be?

I wasn't suggesting being greedy, it's about getting the most out of your purchase.

You know there is a market for a sealed MC, but you would be 100% satisfied with an open/complete MC. The value of that hypothetical free $500 doesn't change whether you spent $2 or $2000 on that sealed MC, so why even bring it up?

What if someone saw that sealed MC in your hands on the way out of the store, and offered the trade right there? Or offered you $500 for the pleasure of unsealing it? Would you still refuse? How about if it'd only cost you $500 and therefore you'd effectively have a free complete MC when all was said and done?

Believe me, I'm not siding with sealed collecting here and I feel games should be played, not stared at.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 08:06:16 AM by jperryss »


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I wasn't suggesting being greedy, it's about getting the most out of your purchase.

And that's different than every other reseller how?

You know there is a market for a sealed MC, but you would be 100% satisfied with an open/complete MC. The value of that hypothetical free $500 doesn't change whether you spent $2 or $2000 on that sealed MC, so why even bring it up?

It makes a difference to me.  If I got the game for a good price, why should I f*ck over a OMG R4R3Z L@@K collector?  It matters not that he'd willingly bend over and take it dry - either I'm okay with making extreme profit off of others stupidity or I'm not.  On the other hand: if I were dumb enough to pay thousands for it and already participate in the gouging shell game, I'd be proud to rake in the extra $500.

What if someone saw that sealed MC in your hands on the way out of the store, and offered the trade right there?

I'd probably kick him in the pills for snooping through my bags.  :D

Such a hypothetical is just silly (who walks around with their complete Magical Chase and $500 cash looking to trade?), but the timeline really doesn't matter; today, tomorrow, or next year - reselling is reselling.

Or offered you $500 for the pleasure of unsealing it? Would you still refuse?

Yes.  I fail to see how it's okay and logical for someone else to pay me $500 to open it but crazy for me to refuse the money and open it myself.   Besides, nobody is going to pay such a sum just to open it - they're going to keep it sealed.

How about if it'd only cost you $500 and therefore you'd effectively have a free complete MC when all was said and done?

Buy low and sell high, using the difference to buy stuff for yourself..... is the logic of all resellers.  No thanks.
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I wasn't suggesting being greedy, it's about getting the most out of your purchase.

And that's different than every other reseller how?

You know there is a market for a sealed MC, but you would be 100% satisfied with an open/complete MC. The value of that hypothetical free $500 doesn't change whether you spent $2 or $2000 on that sealed MC, so why even bring it up?

It makes a difference to me.  If I got the game for a good price, why should I f*ck over a OMG R4R3Z L@@K collector?  It matters not that he'd willingly bend over and take it dry - either I'm okay with making extreme profit off of others stupidity or I'm not.  On the other hand: if I were dumb enough to pay thousands for it and already participate in the gouging shell game, I'd be proud to rake in the extra $500.

What if someone saw that sealed MC in your hands on the way out of the store, and offered the trade right there?

I'd probably kick him in the pills for snooping through my bags.  :D

Such a hypothetical is just silly (who walks around with their complete Magical Chase and $500 cash looking to trade?), but the timeline really doesn't matter; today, tomorrow, or next year - reselling is reselling.

Or offered you $500 for the pleasure of unsealing it? Would you still refuse?

Yes.  I fail to see how it's okay and logical for someone else to pay me $500 to open it but crazy for me to refuse the money and open it myself.   Besides, nobody is going to pay such a sum just to open it - they're going to keep it sealed.

How about if it'd only cost you $500 and therefore you'd effectively have a free complete MC when all was said and done?

Buy low and sell high, using the difference to buy stuff for yourself..... is the logic of all resellers.  No thanks.

No, you selling/trading for a non-sealed + cash doesn't make you a dirtbag reseller. Now, buying the thing only with the intention of flipping it to a collector, THAT might make you a dirtbag reseller, but many here would call it "tradebait" and not be crucified for it. But that wasn't the case here, at least how I intended it.

I've sold a few games here and on other forums, and on eBay, mainly extras or games I became bored with (at most 5% of the total games I've bought in the past five years). It doesn't mean I never intended to keep them and it doesn't make me a reseller for deciding a few bucks would be more worthwhile to me.

Yes, my hypothetical was a bit exaggerated. My point was that would basically be trading a sealed for non-sealed, which is the equivalent (to you, not to the other guy) of someone offering you $500 to unwrap yours. So why turn it down if it's easy money? A less exaggerated scenario would be you posting a pic of your score here, then someone immediately PM'ing you offering the trade.

Personally I would have a hard time turning down a few hundred bucks (or more) in this case. But maybe I'm in the minority with that.


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Let's face it, the other guy supposedly turns away from any profit because he has a "conscience". You're not participating or helping with gouging an item, but only you think you are. It's no skin off my back. People actively collect sealed games and simply opening it takes one away from however few are left. It's like collecting hot wheels cars. They are more desirable when still on the cardboard stock (as in still sealed).

As for the topic, I would weigh my options with rarity and the probability that I would ever find it again. If it's a low probability, I would keep it, because there are people who collect sealed games. Case closed. Doesn't make them any less of a fan of video games than people who play games. I wouldn't really call myself a hardcore sealed game fan either. Just look on Youtube.

You see people buying MULTIPLES of the same game, sometimes spending over $200 for a $50-60 retail game (If you bought one of them). It's insane. If you want an example of someone on Youtube, ask me here and I'll give a link!


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Easily steal it. I wouldn't even question myself.
I really like video games...


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If you can, then more power to you!