I wasn't suggesting being greedy, it's about getting the most out of your purchase.
And that's different than every other reseller how?
You know there is a market for a sealed MC, but you would be 100% satisfied with an open/complete MC. The value of that hypothetical free $500 doesn't change whether you spent $2 or $2000 on that sealed MC, so why even bring it up?
It makes a difference to me. If I got the game for a good price, why should I f*ck over a OMG R4R3Z L@@K collector? It matters not that he'd willingly bend over and take it dry - either I'm okay with making extreme profit off of others stupidity or I'm not. On the other hand: if I were dumb enough to pay thousands for it and already participate in the gouging shell game, I'd be
proud to rake in the extra $500.
What if someone saw that sealed MC in your hands on the way out of the store, and offered the trade right there?
I'd probably kick him in the pills for snooping through my bags.

Such a hypothetical is just silly (who walks around with their complete Magical Chase and $500 cash looking to trade?), but the timeline really doesn't matter; today, tomorrow, or next year - reselling is reselling.
Or offered you $500 for the pleasure of unsealing it? Would you still refuse?
Yes. I fail to see how it's okay and logical for someone else to pay me $500 to open it but crazy for me to refuse the money and open it myself. Besides, nobody is going to pay such a sum just to open it - they're going to keep it sealed.
How about if it'd only cost you $500 and therefore you'd effectively have a free complete MC when all was said and done?
Buy low and sell high, using the difference to buy stuff for yourself..... is the logic of all resellers. No thanks.