I work in a printers but even near cost, the price for doing a decent 100 page magazine is stupidly high in the kind of short runs I would want.
I'm trying to think of new ways to approach this. My current idea is to have a 'deluxe' printed binder, then have 'sets' of pages about A5 (Half A4/Letter size) on thick paper that are hole punched. Each new set of pages could be added to the existing one and stored in the binder until it fills to a single volume.
So I could release a pack of, for example, 50 pages at one time, then another 50 later etc. That might lower costs compared to a bigger printed and perfect bound magazine and would be kind of unique. The binder would be optional as they probably won't come cheap (I imagine around £25+P&P).
Does this sound a bit tatty, or fun and unique?