I have to give storino03 credit for this idea. I think it's obvious that many of us watch eBay like hawks. I'm sure in many cases, quite a few of us are bidding on the same item and driving the prices up on each other. Well the idea of this thread is to let people know what you are bidding on. Having this information will allow us to keep prices down. Sure you can still battle it out with another forum member to bid on something, but in a lot of instances I throw a bid out and if I win I win. However, if I knew someone else here really wanted to win the item then I would gladly back off and wait.
For example, this auction ends in 2 hours;
http://www.ebay.com/itm/170879887542?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649#ht_500wt_1238I plan on trying to win it, but it's not a big loss to me if I don't. I would gladly take a seat on the sidelines if anther PCEngineFX member wants it.
I don't know if this thread will take off or not, but I thought it would be a good idea. If anything, it allows us to better communicate and notify each other of a potentially bad Seller, or something we may or may not have caught in the description.
Another good example for this thread would be the $90 BIN for DEII that recently slipped by us. I would have gladly purchased this for the BIN price to resell it to someone here.