Author Topic: A Question to all the Ys experts...  (Read 706 times)


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Re: A Question to all the Ys experts...
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2012, 03:33:20 PM »
Yeah, Ys 3 on PS2, from what I recall, has alot of the scrolling removed, so that it's more comprised of rooms, like Zelda I guess, rather the huge rooms that scroll.  I do recall some area's having scrolling, but like BT said, it might be just the bosses.  Overall though, it's fairly decent, & the best of Taito's Ys efforts I think.

Also, I totally forgot about the PS2 Ys 5.  I have it, but haven't beaten it yet.  It's supposed to be a much better effort then the PS2 Ys 4.  I have no idea how closely the plot follows the SNES game.  I didn't know about Ys 5 on cell phones though, I assume it's a direct port of the SNES game? 

Also, there is a disc I have, that I think came with Ys 6 PC (or maybe it was Ys Complete?), that has 1-5 emulated on it for PC.  I forget which versions 1-3 are(PC-88 perhaps?), but 4 is the SNES MotS, & 5 is ofcoarse the SNES game(though, I don't recall if it's the original, or expert).

Oh, & I just got Ys vs Sora no Kiseki Alternative Saga off ebay for dirt cheap.  Mainly got it, cuz I'm assuming that if it ever get's released in the US, it'll probably be digital only, & I like to have the complete package.  It actually contains spoilers to the 2nd & 3rd Trails in the Sky games(which haven't been released yet), so it could be awhile if it ever see's a release out here.  Anyways, it seems cool.  I believe some call it an Action RPG, but....I'd deffinitly say it is indeed a battle/fighting type of game, with exp. points & alot of story.


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Re: A Question to all the Ys experts...
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2012, 05:09:25 PM »
Ys Ark of Napishtim (Ys 6) was a pretty good game. I remember buying it on the PS2 and enjoyed it. There's a glitch so that you can level to the max--I think it was Lv 50.

It was also ported to the PSP, but there is horrendous loading issues, so generally the PS2 version is definitive.


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Re: A Question to all the Ys experts...
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2012, 07:40:35 PM »
If Konami would prepare Ys 6 PSP for PSN, I'd guess that the loading issue's would be almost non-existent.  I want to play that version someday, but, haven't bothered.


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Re: A Question to all the Ys experts...
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2012, 08:25:21 PM »
Jesus, ParanoiaDragon knows his Ys games! Shit, not much anyone else can add... Ah, even a friendly mention of "Ys Typing Tutor" (AKA "Typing of Ys") found its way in here I see! Heh. Yeah, that was an unlock-able minigame from a weird, cutesy PC game called Zwei! - I actually tried to fan-translate it but I could never get a translator that could finish the job so I stopped caring.

*runs off to see if a fan-translation patch was made for the SNES*

There's your info on the Ys V patch - 80%. Keep waiting! ;)


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Re: A Question to all the Ys experts...
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2012, 10:05:25 PM »
*runs off to see if a fan-translation patch was made for the SNES*

There's your info on the Ys V patch - 80%. Keep waiting! ;)

Curses!  #-o  Well, its good thing its at least being worked on.  :D


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Re: A Question to all the Ys experts...
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2012, 10:09:32 PM »
6 - 6 is technically 6.  It came out in English for PS2 and PSP, but there's also a PC version with a fan translation available.  I hear the PSP version was a pretty bad port.

The PSP version isnt exactly *bad*, but its loading times are severely broken and make the game very frustrating (in towns in particular).

Strangely though, I think 6 looks better on the PSP, as the PS2 version just seems like they just blew up the PSP graphics to a bigger screen, which doesnt always look so hot...


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Re: A Question to all the Ys experts...
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2012, 10:41:38 PM »
 Because the pixels are closer together. The PS2 one came out in Feb 22 of 2005 (US) and the PSP one came out in Feb 28 of 2006 (US).

I doubt it was based off the PSP and then ported to the PS2.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2012, 10:43:40 PM by storino03 »


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Re: A Question to all the Ys experts...
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2012, 01:42:49 AM »
I had no idea Ys III was released for PS2!  Was it released here in the states?


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Re: A Question to all the Ys experts...
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2012, 03:25:31 AM »
ps2 Ys III was released by Taito and is japan only.  It's not a bad game and has a couple extra gameplay elements with Adol.  There is no scrolling in it cause you move from one side of the screen to the next, then it loads the next screen.  I liked it, but once Felghana came out I forgot all about it.  If you're an Ys nut like me or (obviously) ParanoiaDragon hehe you'll at least want to play through it once.  Way better than the PS2 Ys 4.


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Re: A Question to all the Ys experts...
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2012, 04:40:58 PM »
Because the pixels are closer together. The PS2 one came out in Feb 22 of 2005 (US) and the PSP one came out in Feb 28 of 2006 (US).

I doubt it was based off the PSP and then ported to the PS2.

But the Asian releases of the PSP/PS2 came out almost at the same time. So I'm sure there must have been some shared assets... or the PS2 is just blurry and ugly either way...  :lol:


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Re: A Question to all the Ys experts...
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2012, 05:19:33 PM »
I don't remember much from that particular game. I did like the music though.


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Re: A Question to all the Ys experts...
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2012, 06:30:58 PM »
The bummer with the PS2 version, is that Konami replace all the sprites(all characters & enemies were sprites) with poly's.  They retained the sprites in the PSP version however, giving me 1 reason to play thru it one of these days.  Also, both the PS2 & PSP versions have different extra's in them.


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Re: A Question to all the Ys experts...
« Reply #27 on: July 28, 2012, 05:53:39 AM »
The bummer with the Ys VI PS2 version, is that Konami replaced all the sprites (all characters & enemies were sprites) with poly's.  They retained the sprites in the PSP version however, giving me 1 reason to play thru it one of these days.  Also, both the PS2 & PSP versions have different extra's in them.

I bought it right when it came out at the $39.99 price tag just to support one of my favorite publishers (Konami) and series regardless of when I would sit down and get to play it. When I finally did, eh, I enjoyed it well enough. I was surprised by the crappy graphics, but it didn't bother me all that much, though I used to think that the PS2 was pretty powerful until this game; getting to compare it to the PC version opened my eyes. Heh.

Anyway, the real bummer for me was the raw, dry/dull script translation (Plus, eh, I think the font Konami chose was pretty shitty and the text wrapping wasn't consistent). I got the impression a purist like Shimarisu translated it, someone that despises Victor Ireland/Working Designs and demands a very literal translation in response to it. I know she did professional translation work for Nintendo in the past (I think it was a GameBoy game), so she wasn't limited to Ys fan translations with me way back. My "Ys IV:Dawn of Ys" patch is mostly her translation work unfortunately.


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Re: A Question to all the Ys experts...
« Reply #28 on: July 28, 2012, 07:45:11 AM »
X68k YsI was made by Micomsoft, Falcom had nothing to do with it.  It's weird as hell with the digitized portraits, prerendered CG boss sprites, and the world map is even smaller.

X68k YsIII is the best version of the game imo.  The music naturally can't compete with TurbobCD, but it's still wonderful sounding FM at it's best.

Ys VI was called VI in Japan.  Konami dropped the VI for the USA releases.
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