Author Topic: New members/crying bitches....what gives??  (Read 2615 times)


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Re: New members/crying bitches....what gives??
« Reply #105 on: July 26, 2012, 06:37:47 PM »
eh, just let him go, this shit's just gonna keep coming up every time someone tells him what fer.


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Re: New members/crying bitches....what gives??
« Reply #106 on: July 26, 2012, 06:39:11 PM »
I meant I was leaving this topic alone. YOWZERS. :) Starting NOW.


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Re: New members/crying bitches....what gives??
« Reply #107 on: July 26, 2012, 06:40:53 PM »
I hate cussing, always have.  I do sometimes fly off the handle & drop a bomb when I'm super pissed off, mainly when I'm driving(which is 1 of the reason I prefer to be a passenger, I get too angry & paranoid on the road), or maybe playing a frusterating game.  I think I have become somewhat used to cussing on these forums compared to other forums.  Either way, I think I've just learned to put up with it, even though I hate it.  It's everywhere, but it's more important to me personally that I don't cuss.  Otherwise, it's out of my hands, & I just do the best I can to avoid it.  Ofcoarse, alot of modern games have tons of cussing, I wish there was a feature to turn it off.  Better yet, I wish there was a feature that would turn the cuss words into ridiculous sounds or different words.  Like in the TV version of Friday, they say "Forget you!"  I always get a kick out of it when words have been replaced, unless it's with beeps, then it's just plain annoying.


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Re: New members/crying bitches....what gives??
« Reply #108 on: July 26, 2012, 06:43:14 PM »
Ofcoarse, alot of modern games have tons of cussing, I wish there was a feature to turn it off.
Brutal Legend has that, i liked it, and yeah, i think more games should implement it.


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Re: New members/crying bitches....what gives??
« Reply #109 on: July 26, 2012, 07:09:41 PM »
I missed all the deleted posts, but the main thing that has somewhat annoyed me about the guy is him popping in the Gouging thread with the, "Gouging? Eh, it's all relative! One man's gouge is another man's deal of a lifetime!" spin/simplification and then BlackTiger and a few others having to redo all the work to restate the purpose of the thread, its merits, etc. Aside from that, he has seemed a little bossy for a recent arrival, but whatever.

Was going to delete my account, but I like the potential of being a long-time member here.

Delete yourself over this? If you were thinking about it, you've got a pretty thin-skin...


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Re: New members/crying bitches....what gives??
« Reply #110 on: July 26, 2012, 08:23:34 PM »
When are you overly sensitive idiots going to realize that worlds like "f*ck" only have power if you let them. The best way to take all the power out of the term is to just wear it out completely...which most of the English speaking world has already done.

We aren't blase about "f*ck" because we're rolling in sin and depravity, we're blase about it because it doesn't mean anything anymore.

The best way to avoid profanity in modern games is to just not play those pieces of shit in the first place. And besides, those same games are almost certainly loaded with infinite quantities of hyperviolence far more f*cked up and evil than some stupid swear word. Have some perspective. If some jarhead mows down 100 brown people its fine, but if it says, "f*ck! That was a lot of dudes I just killed!" there's a problem?


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Re: New members/crying bitches....what gives??
« Reply #111 on: July 26, 2012, 09:12:16 PM »
I'd say Storino's got another two weeks left in him. He doesn't seem to be a total scumbag/gouger, but the constant chappy responses are all too similar to other attention-whore knuckleheads like King of Games and Royveg. He feeds on negativity, but he's also trying to win some kind of popularity contest... kind of like that dude who went off his meds and had some big departure thread - what was his name? And Storino's also kind of stupid - he can't deduce meaning from context (torbob, obey) or use search tools (who's nintega? why do we hate gougers? why do we hate noobs? how many Ys games are there? etc.). Two weeks.
STATUS: Try not to barf in your mouth.


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Re: New members/crying bitches....what gives??
« Reply #112 on: July 26, 2012, 09:14:20 PM »
Yeah, nobody has the energy/interest level for much more of this.


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Re: New members/crying bitches....what gives??
« Reply #113 on: July 26, 2012, 09:27:18 PM »
I'd say Storino's got another two weeks left in him. He doesn't seem to be a total scumbag/gouger, but the constant chappy responses are all too similar to other attention-whore knuckleheads like King of Games and Royveg. He feeds on negativity, but he's also trying to win some kind of popularity contest... kind of like that dude who went off his meds and had some big departure thread - what was his name? And Storino's also kind of stupid - he can't deduce meaning from context (torbob, obey) or use search tools (who's nintega? why do we hate gougers? why do we hate noobs? how many Ys games are there? etc.). Two weeks.

Wasn't going to post again, but since everyone thinks I'm this big bad wolf, I'm not going to stand idly by while someone makes trash talk all the time:
So apparently no one can no longer ask questions, Ask what Turbob means. Because adding a b at the end makes it a verb now. Can no longer ask what Obey is (and forget about the dictionary meaning, this forum uses it differently--who knew?), ask who Nintega is/was, etc. That's the purpose of a forum. Obviously there is a search function. Does 95% of people use it? No. Instead of making snide comments like "Oh you should know what this or that means!" or "How dare you for asking, etc", you guys/gals could have just simply answered what it was.

If everyone is this hostile when asking honest questions, I hate to be everyone else that came before (or those who are new that ask the same questions). :)


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Re: New members/crying bitches....what gives??
« Reply #114 on: July 26, 2012, 09:32:39 PM »
I think you need to open some of those shitty games you have and play them instead of doing this.


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Re: New members/crying bitches....what gives??
« Reply #115 on: July 26, 2012, 09:34:14 PM »
See what I mean?


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Re: New members/crying bitches....what gives??
« Reply #116 on: July 26, 2012, 10:07:11 PM »
See what I mean?

storino, I don't f*cking understand what the problem is.

We all love the goddamn TG-16 and PCE. We love the games. We loves this shit and it brings us together. We gotta work past our bruised egos.

Forget about the personalities/posts that irritate you. Move forward. Be the bigger person. (See? I'm not saying we are angels; we are all trying to protect our egos).

I love Zeta, but I think it is fair to say that his acerbic tongue will piss some people off and scare others. Sure, he can antagonize folks. He also happens to compose his posts clearly, communicate genuine insights and is one of the most valuable contributors to *meaningful* discussion here. I also appreciate that he doesn't mindlessly regurgitate sexist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, etc. shit that is rampant *everywhere* (real life and virtual life).

The great thing is that you and Zeta do NOT have to be best friends! You can both co-exist here. You can both enjoy 90% of your time here (well, it's impossible for Zeta to achieve 90% happiness, due to his temperament, but he can probably achieve 65% happiness on a good day).

Hany, pursing his delicate, slender lips, declares, "Now let's play some motherf*ckin' Blodia, you pussies."

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« Reply #117 on: July 26, 2012, 10:10:43 PM »
Profile of Cool Noob

HANDLE: city41
Short, but memorable. Lowercase "c" connotes modesty, "41" signifies anonymity or maybe age - nobody knows! A man of mystery.
: April 12, 2012
Just a little, baby Floret Sprung! So cute.
POSTS: 120 (1.143 per day)
Consistent, yet restrained.
IGNORED BY: 0 member
Lookin' good!
*Sticky-worthy dissertation within first ten posts!
*Cares about the little things, like the sound quality while playing Super Star Soldier.
*Raffles shit.
*Non-stretched, CRT gaming setup that gets chicks.
STATUS: Try not to barf in your mouth.


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Re: New members/crying bitches....what gives??
« Reply #118 on: July 26, 2012, 11:06:49 PM »
Storino's alright.  He's by no means the worst person we've had on here, even this month.  If he's willing to let sleeping dogs lie, we should probably all chill out a bit.  Well the people that are usually chilled out anyway.

As far as swearing goes, a word is a word, and while gratuitous swearing is generally (at least to me) a sign of unintelligence, swearing per se is a langual tool that we can use to express extreme emotions in a way everyone understands - even the f word itself is almost, while not onomotopaeic (sp?), the physical embodiment of extreme emotion. The fricative, and violent expulsion of air, ending with the equally violent 'ck' sound - if you had no idea what it meant, just that word alone would carry a point across to you.

That's what I love about language, it's a wonderful thing - you shouldn't rely on the same tools all the time, and the larger your armoury, the better off you'll be.  But some tools really are damn useful.


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Re: New members/crying bitches....what gives??
« Reply #119 on: July 26, 2012, 11:14:06 PM »
storino should honestly be thanking you guys for this 'how-to' guide for being a member on the pcfx forums. I've never seen a guy come off all high and mighty and still be treated with some respect.  Most times the nasty stuff comes out and the thread hits 15+ pages of mindless insults to scare them away.

can this thread be stickied?