Ok gang, trying to compile all the information I've gotten from members here about sprite and game creation; art side, on the PCE.
Here's what I've got so far. Ideally we can get a polished guide that can be posted on the obeybrew site.
HUGE THANKS to Ark, Paul and Rove
It's a bit on the messy side so bare with me:
Screen Resolution:
256x224 256x239 (used the most) - and 336x224
Sprites come in 16 or 32 pixel widths, and 16, 32, or 64 pixel heights. So, some sprites in games are actually multiple sprites (like China Warrior).
There are a total of 16 individual sprite palettes. Each palette has 16 colours.
Colour 0 (the first colour in the palette) must be the same on every sprite palette. This colour will be the one the system sees as 'transparent' when displaying the sprite. So essentially, just think that each palette has 15 useable colours.
Color 0 of that palette is treated as transparent. The other 15 colors (colors 1 thru 15!) in the palette are your colors for your sprite!
A lot of action games use a stacked 32x32 set up
Use the brightest magenta/pink as that's rarely used in the sprites themselves.
If you make a PCX, it's automagically using an indexed palette. Photoshop writes PCX files backwards, you can use Gimp to save in the correct order
There are 512 color options to choose from (9 bit color.
Like an Amiga. Its 2^9, or 512).
Your color options should be chosen using RGB values that go in steps of 36
so RGB values of 0 36 72 108 144 180 216 252
R: 144
G: 36
B: 180
Cut Scenes are made up of background tiles and sprites. They're identical to sprites except for the following:
All background tiles share color 0, so every palette used for the background (palettes 0 thru 15) will have the same color in slot 0. Whatever color 0 is in palette 0, becomes the shared color.
All background tiles are 8x8 instead of 16x16.
If you optimized for 8x8/16x16, then you hit the sweet spot for sprite cells per scanline limit. It's 34 8x8 cells per scanline or 272 pixels.
There's a hardware trick on the PCE that you can do to make 16x8 sprite cells ( making the following sizes 16x8,32x8,16x16,32x16,16x32,32x32) instead of the usual 16x16 (16x16,32x16,16x32,32x32,16x64,32x64). Not as nice as 8x8, but still makes it more optimal in certain situations since it actually effects the scanline limit on a vertical plane/path.
256 pixels per line. 16 is the max if you only do 16x16 sprites. It ranges from 8-16 depending on your sprite sizes.
Two "slots" per scanline
Using less scanlines (224 instead of 239, for example) is actually beneficial for executing code and speeding up the game, since much code is executed in the vblank time... the less scanlines you're using for game display, the more time you have in vblank for code. Makes me wonder how many games with slowdown that used 239 scanlines would have less or no slowdown had they used 224 scanlines.
The system prioritizes based off the sprite number, IIRC. Lower sprite numbers take higher priority. It's not LIFO or FIFO. It's not a stack or queue. It also doesn't flicker them. It just flat out clips sprites that are out of priority. See here. The dome tops are lower sprite #s than the coral. They clip the coral out. If you fly down there, it clips a dome too because the ship is sprite 0.
More than one way to skin the spriting cat, you can create a high-res image and scale it down, create your images at the PCE res level. From Paul
"I've never drawn at higher res and scaled down for any PC Engine work, although I did that a few times on the Amiga (and more recently on PC for a Sabre Wulf remake) and it was very useful. If you're going to do it, I found it worked better scaling down flat blobs of colour and then adding the detail. But if you're good at drawing you should probably just scan and trace your sketches actual size. Try it, see what suits you.
Sprite layering
See Deadmoon - open up in an emu that allows you to turn sprite and bkg layers on/off
Because the PCE can't overlap backgrounds, standard horizontal parallax looks like obvious strips. By adding the sprites, it makes everything look a bit more natural as they can overlap each layer without issue. Anything that overlaps has to be done with sprites (with the exception of animated tiles, but these always show a square edge and are only suitable for repeat patterns).
Backgrounds/Cut scenes tips: Try to keep everything moving, animating or colour cycling
Color (Colour ) palettes
Using multiple palettes can be a nightmare if you don't keep track of things. The way I approach it is to colour code my palettes, and keep a layer in the artwork that blocks out the areas that use each palette as I work. Working on backgrounds, I'd be inclined to keep the first 2 colours black and white; you need at least one shared colour anyway so it may as well be one of those.
An average of 6-7 colors for each image
Also, there's nothing stopping you shading everything in a single tint and recolouring afterwards if you feel the need.
Color info
9bit color palette
https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-kEqV4nGSbHs/T14FjBUivOI/AAAAAAAACDs/twRXY-zes2U/s800/pcenginecolourpalette.png9bit color cube
for more inbetween colours -- you can always choose your path through the colour cube using wider straight lines, or even curve through the cube:
http://www.chrismcovell.com/images/PCE_Colcube.gif --
Resources :
VISUAL SCENES!!! study those that came before you!
http://www.youtube.com/user/sunteam Any of the mid-late Telenet/Riot games are worth checking out purely because of the quantity of scenes they put in their games. They're good to examine for various techniques on backgrounds, depending on what style you are going for.