Author Topic: Listen to me, we need to stand together. Our rights is the same as woman rights?  (Read 1746 times)


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for those who don't read the FS:


WOW indeed! an further questions? you are dismissed!
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Is that shit for real?


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for those who don't read the FS:


WOW indeed! an further questions? you are dismissed!

I had been giving him the benefit-of-doubt, but this certainly puts things into perspective.

(1) His antics may not be a ruse. He is unbalanced.
(2) His antics are a ruse, and he has built a career of trolling.
(3) I wasted a few moments of my life reading a few sentence fragments he wrote.
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I don't really see what the big deal is. His posts don't have any impact on my life other than that I enjoy reading them. If he were to somehow prey upon members here, that would be another issue, but nobody takes him seriously.

EDIT: hmmm..I just read Professorson's post in FS and he makes some good points. I didn't really know what Regalsin confessed in his OP, but it sounds like time for him to move along.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 08:46:16 PM by vestcoat »
STATUS: Try not to barf in your mouth.


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wow............just wow

Burnt Lasagna

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Regal is starting to become the guy from Red Letter Media, only there's a chance that this isn't all just an act...
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for those who don't read the FS:


WOW indeed! an further questions? you are dismissed!

I don't read fighting street, and frankly I'm way to busy to go tracking down the dudes internet history, so unless someone makes it a bit easier for the casual researcher like myself to under stand his supposed pedophile tendencies, I guess I'm just never going to know. Thats really not an accusation I can just believe on site.

As for this Wiki, honestly, I have been wondering for some time if something like this didn't already exist given how crazy the guy is, but I question some of this stuff. Many people, just on this forum alone, for example, simply CAN'T HANDLE the not-quite-straightforward way the guy talks. They actually get angry at what seems to be mild wackiness, frankly, I can't relate. I assume that on other forums, you know, the ones where topics are constantly being moved and locked and people get banned every day, the people are going to be way less tolerant.

I do vaguely remember some semi-racist stuff coming out of him a some point, but this Wiki describes him as both anti-semitic and "anti-zionist". Well, there is a huge difference between those two things. Anti-semitism is bullshit, anti-Zionism, depending on how far you take it of course, is a pretty mainstream. Most of the world basically falls into that camp, statistically speaking. Only Israel themselves and the more conservative Americans are without criticism of Israel. So, again, the burden of proof falls upon the accuser in this case. If he's talking about firing up the Jew furnaces again then f*ck him all to hell, but I'd be the first to call Ariel Sharon a genocidal piece of terrorist shit, because exactly what he is/was, and worse.


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The important thing here was that he admitted to taking part in and being busted for illegal acts, which evidently amounted to child porn and I guess other seemingly strange things, before deciding to delete the post content. I could care less if his average harmless everyday post is unreadable. He wasn't a real concern until the pedobear shit. Considering what else had been said about him prior on that other site about him being a pedo, I am inclined to believe that part about him if nothing else.


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I want to be more like 337.

The Wolf: If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the f*cking car.


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The important thing here was that he admitted to taking part in and being busted for illegal acts, which evidently amounted to child porn and I guess other seemingly strange things, before deciding to delete the post content. I could care less if his average harmless everyday post is unreadable. He wasn't a real concern until the pedobear shit. Considering what else had been said about him prior on that other site about him being a pedo, I am inclined to believe that part about him if nothing else.

It's not that I would be surprised if he was a pedophile. That would shock me not even slightly. From what I can see pedorats make up about %40 of the population, all they need is just that little spark to put them in action. In fact, if he does have a sex offendor's record, I'm SURE he's not the only one here that does. The creaps are just about everywhere. I do take issue with assumptions though. I've been "busted for illegal acts" and I'd done some "other weird stuff" too, but WTF does that even mean?

For one thing, I have a hard time even imagining this guy saying something like "the cops took my kiddie porn" and anyone actually being able to understand WTF he was even saying! And are we talking about actual kiddie porn or H doujin wank stuff? I ask this not because I'm defending Pokemon Chicks With Dicks and Friends (that stuff is nasty) but if that's the stuff he's into I have zero doubt in my mind that other people here dig that shit as well. Comiket does draw 100,000 people anually, after all.

Labeling someone a child predator is a big deal, that's all I'm saying. I'm not going to just go with someone else's 4th hand account, especially considering how people tend to dog pile on this guy. 


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I highly doubt a pedophile would pop into a public forum spouting his mantra to anyone that will listen. I also doubt a so called eccentric brilliant artist would refer to his work as "child porn". At best he's desperate for attention, at worst he's everything he says he is. Whatever he is, only a disturbed person would find this funny or appropriate.  Zeta, you have me divided severely here. On one hand I agree with you that jumping to assumptions based only one whats written without proof is not good. At the same time, what he's saying is naturally gonna cause controversy and make people question his sanity at least. You also have your prejudice's based on a few of your comments and handling of recent members. You sandbagged storino for a far less offense and now your telling people to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. very sketchy if you ask me.


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For one thing, I have a hard time even imagining this guy saying something like "the cops took my kiddie porn" and anyone actually being able to understand WTF he was even saying!

Well, he did.  Whether or not it's true is another story.
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I highly doubt a pedophile would pop into a public forum spouting his mantra to anyone that will listen. I also doubt a so called eccentric brilliant artist would refer to his work as "child porn". At best he's desperate for attention, at worst he's everything he says he is. Whatever he is, only a disturbed person would find this funny or appropriate.  Zeta, you have me divided severely here. On one hand I agree with you that jumping to assumptions based only one whats written without proof is not good. At the same time, what he's saying is naturally gonna cause controversy and make people question his sanity at least. You also have your prejudice's based on a few of your comments and handling of recent members. You sandbagged storino for a far less offense and now your telling people to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. very sketchy if you ask me.

Nobody was calling Storio a pedophile.


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Btw, does no one have a copy of RegalSyn's supposed admission of guilt?


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maybe not, but regal has all but admitted to such behavior regardless if he's lying or not. Remember, no one came out and said that about regal, he started this himself. Why does it surprise you that people would be turned off by this kind of behavior? As far as assumptions go saying that 40% of the population are pedo's with any ounce of proof is really going deep on the wackyiness don't you think?