Author Topic: Listen to me, we need to stand together. Our rights is the same as woman rights?  (Read 1771 times)


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maybe not, but regal has all but admitted to such behavior regardless if he's lying or not. Remember, no one came out and said that about regal, he started this himself. Why does it surprise you that people would be turned off by this kind of behavior? As far as assumptions go saying that 40% of the population are pedo's with any ounce of proof is really going deep on the wackyiness don't you think?

Again, what did he say? I am NOT defending the guy, I don't know enough about the situation to do that. I'm just saying that you really can't play around with those sorts of labels (unless it's funny). And Michael Helgeson pretty much thinks everyone is a criminal so his conjecture isnt relevant at all without evidence.

So, seriously, what did the guy say?

As for my %40 estimation, that was an exaggeration but if you've ever spent any time at all with abused kids, or with lawyers, cops, judges, or just really paid attention to the local crime section in the news paper you would be revolted by the amount of sexual abuse that goes on. If you live in a town of at least 50,000 people go hang out in the district court house and listen to the sorts of cases that go through there every day. If you can go a month without seeing a guy that raped his own kid I'd be very surprised. The catholic church alone has racked up litterally TENS OF THOUSANDS of abuse cases in just the last 30-40 years, and those are the "holy" guys! Raping children is, statistically speaking, a rather mainstream pursuit. I'm sure more people have raped kids than have, say, gone skydiving, or swam with whales, no question.


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I'm sure more people have raped kids than have, say, gone skydiving, or swam with whales, no question.
Quote of the day! Unfortunately, it's probably true.
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He said the cops stormed the place and took his kiddie porn, harddrives, "pornographic" art, etc, that he kept on downloading to no end because he was young and naive and couldn't help himself and whatever else. Are you so f*cking dense that you are going to ignore the fact we have already said what he said? How many members here do you need to confirm the same thing before you finally get it? 5, 10, 20? Can we quote it word for word? No. I cant do time travel to appease the great Zetas demand of proof because he was so damn late to the show. The joke deleted his post, which was huge I might add, before anyone could quote it. If you missed it, too bad for you. Tha-tha-tha That's All, Folks!


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Yeah Zeta.  His post was really out there, and defending his right to masturbate to all these images he downloaded, included child porn.  It was sickening.  :(  I am kinda glad the sicko deleted it actually.


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I was raised on Troma and gangsta rap.  I am not offended by anything.

...and RegalSin's post offended me.  Trust me, no one is over-exaggerating.  I fear him remaining on this site will result in some probe of the whole PCE universe.  Get that guy outta here.


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So, seriously, what did the guy say?

I didn't screen cap it, so this is purely from memory. For whatever that's worth. Regal indicated that his residence had been raided by some branch of law enforcement. He explained that he had downloaded pictures of girls that were underage, but he was also underage at the time. He continued to vaguely explain that he kept "downloading". I don't think he specified what. He explained that the pictures he had were for reference for his artwork.

That's how I remember it. I don't know if that seems tame or not, but I will say that the last place I'd want to find myself is the wrong side of a child porn investigation. I wouldn't f*ck around with that at all. I'd ban Regal outright for that post.


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Thanks Sadler for actually attempting to say more than "just trust me". Details are still a bit vague though (since its RegalSyn we are talking about that's probably not going to change) but at least it's something.

Logically though the next question would be: if he's so bad, and he already has a history with the cops, seems like they'd just keep at him. I mean, they raided the guys house and then just got bored and gave up?

I though RegalSyn was at least as old as me, btw, but a lot crazier and probably Filipino. Are we now under the impression that he was at least underage at some point in the history of usenet?


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Zeta, I have not walked a mile in your shoes, and i'm betting you have seen things that would stand my hair up on end. Because of that I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. I agree we can't just throw labels around all willy nilly. I do however have problems with your tendency to overstate things when your trying to make a point. I also don't think it was fair of you to blast storino while seemingly defending this guy. If i'm missing the point your trying to make i'm sorry, its not on purpose. I just don't see how you can blatantly overlook his statements and act as if its not as bad as it sounds. I don't know if your playing the devils advocate or not. Sometimes i get the feeling if we put a green mountain dew can in front of your face, you would try to convince us its blue, all the while acting shocked that we don't see why.


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Zeta, I have not walked a mile in your shoes, and i'm betting you have seen things that would stand my hair up on end. Because of that I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. I agree we can't just throw labels around all willy nilly. I do however have problems with your tendency to overstate things when your trying to make a point. I also don't think it was fair of you to blast storino while seemingly defending this guy. If i'm missing the point your trying to make i'm sorry, its not on purpose. I just don't see how you can blatantly overlook his statements and act as if its not as bad as it sounds. I don't know if your playing the devils advocate or not. Sometimes i get the feeling if we put a green mountain dew can in front of your face, you would try to convince us its blue, all the while acting shocked that we don't see why.

No, you basically summed him up nicely. Thats been Zeta for years now. And yeah, he had his nose way way too far up Storinos ass, if for no other reason then just because he did not know where else to stick it it seemed like.


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I also don't think it was fair of you to blast storino while seemingly defending this guy.
I wouldn't say Zeta's questions qualify as "defending" Regalsin, he's just slowing things down and opening up discussion. A lot of us missed the OP. Accusations were fast and the details were vague. Thanks Professorson and Sadler for recalling as much as possible. Zeta's right that we should take the author of that wiki with a grain of salt, as anyone who dares criticize Israeli policy tends to be immediately labeled an anti-semite and smeared to the best of the defender's ability.

Regardless, the verdict seems to be that RS watches or watched child porn and that's pretty f*cked up.
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You did not read what i have said. I understand that he is not directly defending him, but he's putting alot of effort into defending the point. He made no effort at all with storino who's guilty of considerably less.  If you missed the original post, then go back and read it so you can make a more qualified statement. i'm not trying to be rude but the guy came in here saying they were raiding his house and taking his child porn and he wanted it back. After all there are two threads he made on this matter, not just this one. No one rendered verdict on him, nor have i written him off. However, i find it hard to understand that you and Zeta don't get the gravity of his actions. Its not everyday that someone makes the statements he has made, let alone in a public forum with people he does not know. Surely the situation is so absurd that you have to question how true it may be. None the less, your mental faculties have to be completely hosed to behave in the way he is behaving. If he wanted attention why child porn. why not something far less offensive. I'm gonna agree to disagree with your standpoint. But as Paul said, i'm attacking the point, not the person. I hope you understand the difference.


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he claimed he downloaded it when he was 11
is 27 now
had it on his PC because his current PC died forcing him to use his old PC.
some of the porn he didnt know the source of as the machine was found on the side of the road, but he had installed a bunch of drives to get it running


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he claimed he downloaded it when he was 11
is 27 now
had it on his PC because his current PC died forcing him to use his old PC.
some of the porn he didnt know the source of as the machine was found on the side of the road, but he had installed a bunch of drives to get it running

Cause we all know kiddie porn was ALL OVER the net 16 years ago, in all its 256 color glory. The way regal reads off anyway, he doesn't strike me as having been a 11 year old genius who mastered the nets and filled his hard drives full of illegal booty, considering he cant even formulate one coherent paragraph. If he got busted for having the stuff, I mean really got busted, then odds are he just spouted off here the exact same spin he told the cops, that he had the stuff for years, from before when he was a minor, hoping that will justify it. He probably also told the cops that he forgot it was all there still. Who knows, we weren't there. At any rate it now reads off like damage control from a deranged pedo.

Any new activity he probably blamed on hackers leeching off his wifi, just tossing his hands up in the air and claiming it wasn't him. That seems to be the excuse these days for anyone getting busted doing something online."oh thats not me, it was my ip, but someone leeched off my totally unsecure wifi".  :roll: Odds are, if he really was collecting kiddie porn, hes been doing it more likely for, or within, the past 8-10 years if anything. And according to him, its not like he stopped. They came to his home because he was tracked doing something or another illegal he said. Joke or not, he came here and basically said he was busted for being a pedobear and crap. At any rate, he is clearly getting what he wants, attention. 3-4 page long threads all about him. Its like Dave, but less intriguing or funny.


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Herc - I was saying that Regalsin's watching of child porn was f*cked up, not that our consensus on Regalsin was f*cked up. That last line was meant to be a pretty simple statement we all could agree on.

It should have read:
Regardless, the verdict seems to be that RS watches or watched child porn and that (the watching of child porn) is pretty f*cked up.

Anyway, the new information from Steve is interesting.
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I think I agree with the point Prof is trying to make in his last post. 

Regal has a little animated smiley in his sig eating popcorn.  Whether he did what he says or not, I'm guessing he's sitting back and watching this forum go bananas about it, laughing all the while.  Let's not drag this out.  Either ban him (you'd get my vote) or drop it.