Author Topic: Listen to me, we need to stand together. Our rights is the same as woman rights?  (Read 1764 times)


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Gogan hit the nail on the head. It seems that there are some that are just amused by his behavior regardless of its content.  Does he deserve a "pass" just because he is regal being regal?


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Which is why you jus ignore him. Much like he ignores everyone else
Nothin beats the real thing.


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Care to explain the handful of posts written in more or less perfect English?  Either he has a grasp of the English language or he doesn't.
Taking a more passive role does not negate the attention whoring.  It's actually rather shrewd, as not responding to others comments will piss some people off for being ignored and lessens the chance of him getting worked up and saying something so far over the line that he gets banned.
Some of his shorter posts are well constructed, but, off the top of my head, I can't recall any successful attempts to clearly communicate complex or abstract ideas.

I'm open to the possibly that I'm wrong, but I don't believe Regal is a calculating mastermind who's been biding his time and pulling our strings for the last several months. I'm guessing he's probably had a shitty life, is somewhat feeble-minded, and spends too much time alone at the computer. He's misanthropic, but not lost to cynicism and still has an accurate moral compass on some issues (like globalization). He's a touch racist (like many people), but isn't socialized enough to disguise it. And, of course, his sexuality is confused and f*cked up, probably from something in his past, and he should see a shrink before he turns into a predator. Regardless, this is just what my gut tells me based on scant evidence and I'm not trying to make excuses for his actions. I may be wrong; he may be a total monster through and through and y'all have enough evidence to be entitled to that judgement.

So what are we going to do? If people want to ban him, go ahead and email Keranu. I could go either way. If pressed for a vote, I say this is his first and only strike before being thrown out. My reasoning is that he immediately removed the post, he seemed to express regret, and he's never gotten in a flame war or seriously insulted members before (which is more than I can claim). At any rate, the integrity of our forums is intact for the time being and the justice system is on to him in the long. If Regal is really a menace to the world at large, they'll sort things out. If Regal screws up here again, we have the tools to fix it.
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At the end of the day, I don't really care because I don't spend much time reading any of the OT forums, but it's pretty easy to make a strong case for banning this guy.  Either he's a pedophile and admitted it here, in which case he should be banned and his IP address should be reported to his local authorities just to make sure that the site's ass is covered, or he is making pedophile "jokes" as his latest technique to troll the forums, in which case he should be banned.  That being said, as someone who primarily just reads the forums while keeping posting to a mimimum, I really don't give a f*ck if he gets banned.  I generally just gloss over his posts when reading a thread anyway.

Parenthetically, I've always thought of this place as " lite." They famously had a long-time member there murder someone, so it would be only fitting if one of ours turned out to be a pedobear.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 12:06:23 PM by Jibbajaba »


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I know this is a relatively nice place, and people are trying to be understanding, but...

Let's say he's a sicko pedophile who's also posted racist shit and talked about kiddie pr0n.


Let's say he's just doing it for attention.

Wouldn't BOTH of these things warrant a ban? Has Regal ever posted ANYTHING of value in these forums? Hell, has he posted a single coherent thought?

Either way, the dude's on my ignore list. But I know if I came to these forums as a relative noob and saw that shit, I'd run for the hills. Off with his head!
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Fighting street is unmoderated. that i know of you can pretty much say what you what. Whatever comments regal made in fighting street cannot be held against him that i'm aware of. I'm also not aware that he has said anything here in chit chat that violates the rules either. There is no proof of anything regal is saying as offensive as it may be. I respect, but clearly disagree with a couple members opinions on this discussion. I also strongly dislike regals behavior, but nowhere have i called for a ban, nor do i think he has done enough to get banned. He is however mentally disturbed. You simply cannot make such comments in a public forum and not expect some kind of backlash as most people find such subject matter unacceptable. As one member stated, firing off this crap in a 90's video game forum is either a cruel joke or a blatant cry for help.


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Also can't really get on regal for  being racist, especially in fighting street.  Shit, I remember when Fighting Street started there was a racist jokes thread. :shock:  At any rate, most here ignore him, and his shit has been deleted.  I do feel he's going to probably scare some new members away, but the rest of us that have been here the past year or longer know how he is and just tend to ignore him.  If mods feel he's hurting the pcefx community in any way they can ban him.  *talks into mic* Hello...mods? *tap tap* Is this thing on?  *crickets*


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I wouldn't worry too much about him scaring off new members. In fact, I think we should keep him around if we can prove he can actually do that.

Seriously, who is the most notable new member since RegalSyn joined? %90 of all new members are either dumpers or braggarts. f*ck em.


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No ban is necessary. He's just an idiot. Troll or not. He'll get bored and move along. He seems to WANT to get banned everywhere. And has been at it for years. I really don t give a crap either way as I hav zero respect for him
Nothin beats the real thing.


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Parenthetically, I've always thought of this place as " lite." They famously had a long-time member there murder someone, so it would be only fitting if one of ours turned out to be a pedobear.
That bad, 'uh? I don't have much to compare this place too, but it's worlds better than the couple of D&D/Greyhawk boards I frequent... and my local music board... and the 3DOzero board. We have a few good writers, some comedians, some cynics, some gaming badasses, some programmers, engineers, modders, graphics designers, and, overall, lots of generous, trusting people. Nobody talks too much about their religion and even the couple of staunch conservatives do productive things. PCEFX is a fairly productive and harmonious corner of the internet, the troublemakers are the ebay transients and Racketboy boxcar willies.
STATUS: Try not to barf in your mouth.


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Le word!
the home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
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Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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As far as Regal's motives and psychology, I don't get the sense that this has been a charade or that he's sipping cognac, laughing at us.
1) No one in their right mind could invent his writing style. The guy clearly has special needs or trauma that impairs his ability to communicate.
2) If he were vying for attention or trying to get a rise out of people, he's sure not very good at it. He succeeded only in getting himself ignored and laughed at until the pedophilia post. Most of his posts exhibit a genuine (if bizarre) interest in politics, coding, and other issues larger than himself and getting attention.
3) If there's one thing an attention whore can never do, it's exercise restraint, and Regal's been pretty quiet since the whole fiasco. Real attention whores (Storino, Nintega, King of Games, Roy, etc) are never late to their own party. They appear like Beatlejuice the moment someone mentions their name and they never shut up. The thread explodes into twenty pages as they try to argue with us, edit their posts, pretend to be chipper and witty, and otherwise feed on their infamy. Regal on the other, seems to be feel regret - he immediately removed his post, he asked that everything he's written be deleted, he tried to write it off as performance art, and then he shut up. These are not the actions of an attention whore.

Yeah, all good points. I leaned towards thinking his story wasn't serious, thus a pretty pathetic and offensive stunt on his part, but I couldn't decide for sure and who knows - the guy is just that weird... There were contradictions/issues with his story, like "I had to put on a pants, while a man was standing in my room." which would indicate law enforcement broke into his home and caught him by surprise. To just break into a residence that you have a search warrant for on possible possession of child pornography doesn't sound right. And his later posts he says, "Everything I  post on any website is a complete, joke, fictional opinion of my ID. I am a real artist with real works, I use everything as reference material." Kinda indicating that he was just outright f*cking with people, but then again, could've been just backtracking after realizing that he wasn't gonna get any sympathy from anybody... He crossed some lines either way, just stupid and senseless... and yeah, 9 pages counting both threads of us wasting our breaths trying to figure him out...

His posts don't have any impact on my life other than that I enjoy reading them.

Yeah, I've never seen anything like this bizarre writing style of his, hence I enjoyed it too... but eh, he lost my respect with this one and much worse if it wasn't just a stupid stunt! He needs to explain himself instead of ducking it the way that he is now.

BTW, I believe his delete request was for his entire account/everything; he was projecting paranoia that he's being monitored now, has to look over his shoulders, and is gonna have to say goodbye to all of us (who he loves) for what supposedly had just happened to him... That's kinda how I read it initially, but I dunno. Seems now he's just posting about games and other shit like it never happened. Which should tell us????
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 04:37:54 AM by NightWolve »


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His sig says it all.
Nothin beats the real thing.


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His sig says it all.

Precisely.  To expound on that, here's a RegalSin quote from the interwebz:

What do you love about the internet?

What I love about the internet is the ability to go on a rampage threw forums making Engrish majors go insane. I have did probably like 20-20 or so forums probably reptitively. I have yet to touch girly forums, parental forums, and of course homosexaul+ forums.

I really love the idea of saying to a cripple person who only joy is to type away that I don't use my legs at all and crawl around on the floor and brought a Wheel Chair on purpose that I go up ramps with....only to beleive the real cripple has thrown down there messaging device.

No really I love the fact that while facts could still and is better found in websters that fact which is uninmportant to most like the MSX here is becoming well known by many.

That I am able to get my hands on everything to anything consdering that I live in a shopaholic capital of the not Nevada. More important not pay a penny less or penny more literally while I might be killing off my local hobby shop arond the corner.

What is even better is that it is like living in another country but tied to a giant elastic band and more important gain so much info that you can brag about places. Back then ( which I reeeaallllyy mmisss) when somebody talked about places in the world you would care about it. However nowadays hearing about people who have gone to Russia is like "Oh okay did you pick up any furs?"

What is really funny is the internet crimes like somebody making a 11 year old ***, six year old boys getting e-mails of 40 year + women only to upload them and exchange them with other people, pshyco's who we would find in a bar being called childish names only to face life inprisionment or lower status

Haivng almost every single media format at the touch of your finger tips only to watch some smo wine about how they have the entire collection of ( some sci-fi action series ) and then tell them that you downloaded it and they are like scooby doh!

Seeing the most messed up thing you could ever imagine seeing to probably see a real life horror and laugh at it and say oh wow scary. Oh wow it is a fallen Angel it saying something about the Heavans and Earth.

Then what is really fun is what I just told you and you and it was all a lie and I am making this all up since I have just finished doing some work and instead of nailing my invisible wife I am here typing this for no apparent reason the fact it crossed my mind. Then hey maybe I am not making this up and it all was true since hey this is not even television it is the Internet.

I personally wish for the day when the internet goes back to 56k and we all start being the cave men we was. You knwo going to the libarary hanging around monos, bums, self-proclaimed gansters, and little children who was brought there thinking reading a book would help them get ahead only to find they got a big libarary fee.

Oh yess... I ruee a day when I could go to my local store and buy stuff without knowing. I could have gotten a better deal from somebody on a thread or some auction forum. That I could be a happy consumer and buy tapes and listen to them on my walkman. Heck I will even buy some bootlegs from happy the guy who sleeps with famil made prostitutes.

Still I miss and reather my life without or even outside the internet with every single woman I see outside trying to be miss Nasty pulling her body parts out like a man or even a man being
forced by another man and they are in a rainforest somewhere.

No really I miss life without the internet but that is what I love about it to exprience the lives of others so I don't start walking around in a flesh suit and more important while I sound insane and my typing is eradic I know that somewhere out there I know for a fact who is wayyyyyyy more insane then I could ever be. What is funny is that they will never catch me since I have the internet as my personal makeup kit.

The internet make real life looks like one of those OCP commecials from Robocop. I mean gosh almighty those day walkers are just hebe jeebbees with there langauge thinking by using a cigarrette or drinking beer along with drowning there sorrows in a pair of legs will get them anything. Just dropping like flies, dropping like flies, watching them drop like flies maka me laugh like a lorney
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That's the longest Lou Reed song ever.