I completely forgot to introduce myself even though iv been a forum browser for a long time just decided to finally rereg and be active in the community. So hello. I'm a modest collector as i don't have the cash flow to collect like most folks but I do what i can.
I always wanted a turbografx since the first time i saw one in a mall on a large screen tv when I was a kid. But never got one as i already had an Atari and my mother got me a Nintendo. God how i wish i had gotten one when they were 99 bucks and games were uber cheap. I think about 10 or more years ago when i was 18 or 20 I dont remember really I bought a turbografx off ebay for a 100 bucks which included the cdrom + docking station system card 2.0 3.0 and Ys 1+2 and Neutopia don't really remember what else it had its been so long. The guy even sent me his Dracula x to burn and send back which i did. I then kind of lost interest after the cdrom stopped working after letting it sit for a year. Then Around 2008 2009 I got an rx which worked and picked up some games. Wish i had gotten some of the more expensive ones back then when they were cheaper. So after that the cdrom stopped working in the rx 2 years later. I was sad because of this so I found this forum.
I think back then repairing stuff was at its earliest and people were still finding stuff out about it and I bought a replacement laser to fix my RX. I got it and replaced it and it still didn't work. I sent it to Nathan Burnside who was a forum member here i do not remember his name on forum at all. He said he fixed it and sent it back and it still didn't work. I think it was because the pegs that hold the cdrom 2 of them were broke in transit i don't know. So I lost interest and but it was always in the back of my head to get it fixed.
So i had to move to Kauai to take care of my grandmother. Packed up everything i owned and went. For shits and giggles i hooked up my rx to play ninja gaiden (awesome port btw) and played that and then i stuck in Winds of thunder and it worked and was kind of shocked but Dracula x still wouldn't work very good. So i looked up here some pot calibration stuff and got it have way working. I was pleased to say the least. I started reading the forums and talking to people and was suggested to send my rx to Thesteve and did. So that's were i am at this moment. Hes going to do region mod scart or component mod or s-video not sure which or if at all hes doing and hopefully fixing my laser to work correctly as it wouldnt even read a burned copy of rayxanber III but magic engine did just fine.
So This is my collection I have atm for turbob.
turbografx 16
Cd-Rom and docking station (cdrom not working)
3 normal controllers.
turbo tap
3 extensions
Turbo Duo Rx (currently getting fixed and modded)
--US Games--
System card 2.0
System card 3.0
Blazing Lazers
Ordyne CIB
Aero Blasters
Devils Crush
Dungeon Explorer
Splatterhouse CIB
Alien Crush
Bonks Adventure CIB
Keith Courage In Alpha Zones
Air Zonk CIB
CD Games:
Monster Lair
3 in 1
Ys Book 1 & 2
Ys 3
Shape Shifter
--JP Games--
Turbochip Games:
Soldier Blade
Bloody Wolf
Legandy Axe
Ninja Gaiden
Tennokoe Bank
Cdrom2 Games:
Altered Beast
Super Cdrom Games:
Winds of Thunder
Akumajö Dracula X - Chi no Rondo
Avanced Variable Geo
Crest of Wolf
Macross 2036
Rtype Complete
Super Raiden
Steam Hearts
Have other game collections besides turbografx some Saturn and a lot of dreamcast. Sorry for the long winded introduction, I'm bored.
EDIT: forgot about air zonk ;p