(why do I feel like I just started digging a hole...)
You didn't, you made a good valid point. I'm American and I can easily acknowledge that what Bardoly did was insensitive and obnoxious if you look at it from the POV of a outsider looking in, and that's why I brought it up. Americans get portrayed in a negative manner in the public eye due to shit like that. Besides that he decided to play favorites and anyone that he doesn't approve of basically due to the language they use here or whatever, regardless of how long they have been here (and hes only been here since July I might add), how much they contribute here gets the ax if they dont appease him.
His intention may not just have been to publicly alienate those who are from other countries on purpose (its hard to say, maybe hes totally ignorant), but his goal definitely was to exclude and alienate many members in general in a way that is snide and ill mannered. Any backlash he gets for it he deserves, because he completely lost the point of why the raffles are being held. This thing of his is less like a raffle and more like a popularity contest for people who are eager to please for a chance to nab a couple of free games. Things is though, they are not free, not when you have to pay for them via retarded acts and at the expense of personal liberties in order to appease the person with the goods.