Maybe poor Bardoly got scared away. I don't think he actually meant bad by this, despite what prof thinks.
Maybe you should be stating "despite what
others think
AND said". I'm not the only one who felt disdain and vocalized it over this raffle, and I am not some f*cking group spokesman to go directing blame on if he left, so don't try to use me as your soul target of blame on the matter, because I don't play patsy and I don't f*cking play scape goat for anyone. If he left over this bs, whatever, he asked for it and he coulda corrected it IF he cared to, which he didn't obviously. I'm sure life will go on regardless of no one winning a free copy of Takin it to the Hoop after confessing their undying love of Texas and biting their tongue for a bit or wtf ever.
If anyone feels they wasted their time doing so and wants to bitch about it, whatever. Just because a dog rolls over doesn't mean he always gets a strip of bacon. Next time do yourself a favor and don't make a fool of yourself for a chance to win cheap games. Instead just suck it up and go buy them elsewhere, or wait for a raffle from someone who doesn't demand you do cheap pony tricks for their amusement.