I'm going to be selling a few of my old PC-Engine games that I haven't touched in ages. I have too much stuff, and I'm getting rid of my "collector" pieces that I never play and just keep around to look at and say that I own.
I've been out of the Turbo loop for years, so I don't really know what this stuff is worth. I have a *mint* Valis Visual Collection (all the animation from 2, 3, and 4). I bought it new, watched it once, and haven't touched it since.
I also have a mint Fushigi No Umi No Nadia (Nadia of the Mysterious Seas, or Secret of Blue Water). It's a digital comic based on the anime of the same name. VERY good animation inside. If you speak Japanese, it's basically playing completely new episodes.
Finally, I have 3x3 Eyes, with the VHS tape, box, and everything. Tape has been watched once. Game played a couple of times. The game is in very nice condition, the tape mint, but the box is only good to average.
I'm not really sure how much these are worth, because I've never seen them on eBay. I know I paid almost $100 for Valis, $50 or $60 for Nadia, and I don't remember 3x3 Eyes. But that was years and years ago.
Anyhow, advise would be nice. Thanks.